home schooling


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Re: home schooling

Certain, self motivated, bright students with good, knowledgable parents can swing it no problem. Certain dead beats that use if as an excuse to skip school and are further enabled by their loser parents are bad candidates for home schooling--especially if education is a priority in the home, which is not the case in the latter case.

In my teaching career, I've seen both.

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Re: home schooling

HuntinginMaine...we have a homeschool group in our area also. When my sister and I were homeschooled and moved to this area, we played on a homeschool basketball team, went on homeschool group field trips, had small parties, stuff like that. So homeschoolers are not completely un-socialized. I do agree though that from my own views, some parents can teach better when homeschooling. While my mom taught us from a strict correspondence curriculum and we had to send in "reports" to the school and then we got reports cards every quarter, some parents in our area use either several difefrent curriculums but many do not have curriculums which require the parents to report and I do think plays a role in the education of some homeschoolers...but yeah...good thoughts everyone....it's neat to see people's experiences and viewpoints smile.gif

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