Man am I glad that's over


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We had an OSHA guy tear a new construction home we were working in apart. To make a statement for our area he found a way to write just about every sub-contractor up that was working in the home including us for a hand-rail violation (we are audio/video guys). I don't have a whole lot of good things to say about them but I guess they are that way for a reason and its in everyone's best interest.

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Two solid days of a surprise and comprehensive OSHA inspection. Looked at everything from equipment, to record keeping to training. Got a lot of work to do now before Christmas. I think I'd rather have just went in for a body cavity search.... :clown:

Yeah, glad its over for you!

I hate it when OSHA comes through my lab. They are such ignorant boobs.


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I don't have a whole lot of good things to say about them but I guess they are that way for a reason and its in everyone's best interest.

Is it really? I'd say common sense education in school would go much, much farther. All OSHA does is fine you for not aligning yourself to their extremely stringent list of rules and regulations, which may or may not have any practical safety threat. From everything I've seen, if you do everything OSHA approved, you can't get a bloody thing done.

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You seem to have passed your inspection ;). Congrats.

OSHA has worked in a few workers favor that I have seen in my 26 years in construction. Yes, gov't involved in anything usually makes it a uncontrollable monster. But there would be no need for agencies like OSHA is we could trust all employers to play fair and let workers know what hazards they are being exposed to and how to safely protect themselves from those hazards.

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Yep, actually OSHA/MSHA is a great thing. Yes allot of it is a major pain, yes some of it is goofy but overall it is there for you the employee. I was the Union Safety Officer at the plant I worked at. They stayed a week when they came there. I spent the whole week with them, walking around, doing inspections, checking things out & explaining things to them when they had questions. Yes you can get some inspectors that go to far. Most of them are good guys that are really just doing there job and looking out for you. Most of the inspectors have several years experience in the field they are inspecting in. I have been considered a miner for about 17 years, it is one of the most dangerous occupations out there. A "miner" covers a whole lotta occupations, if you work in a mine, quarry, underground, above ground & many many other things you are considered a miner. The inspectors could give your company a citation(s) every time they come if they want. Lot of them we got, I would report them to the Supervisor, they would get fixed & they would be signed off on. No problems there. If you get a S&S then it is a lil different. They are not all horrible but you have to correct it on the spot & they will cost the company a little money. Keep in mind I was on the hourly side of the workforce. Yes, I used to hate when they would show up. Felt like you had to really watch what you were doing & be extra careful. After a few years and seeing some serious accidents happen, isn't this what you should be doing anyway. Bottom line is everyone wants to be able to walk out of work at the end of their shift. 99 % of the inspectors I dealt with were very good guys. If you cooperated with them & your company showed they were making every effort to ensure a safe workplace, they are pretty good guys. Again if something is seriously unsafe, I wanted to know as did the Company. They were very good about safety all the time not just when MSHA showed up. Some of you guys would really not believe some companies, safety is not even on some of their minds, just want the job done, money made no matter what. These places are getting far fewer because of OSHA/MSHA. Companies really cannot afford serious accidents and Workmans Comp claims. These cost them a fortune. Yes sometimes they might be a pain, might feel like it is a hassle but they are there to do a job. that job is to hopefully make your job safer so everyone can go home to their families or whatever at the end of everyday.

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