Read on stand?


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Re: Read on stand?

Well, I beg to differ with you two..... tongue.gif I read on stand during the less productive times in the stand. I am reading "For Big Bucks Only" by the North American Hunting Club right now. I read alittle, look alittle read a little and so on until around 30 minutes before the deer should move. I haven't missed a deer coming by to my knowledge yet.

It passes the time easier for me.

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Re: Read on stand?

I read something in Deer and Deer Hunting magazine I think and the way the author explained it was similiar to this "sure I probably have missed some opportunities, but I have also gained some because bringing a book along, allows me to stay on stand longer when I would have normally got bored and went home". It has some logic to it, but I was just curious how you guys felt.

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Re: Read on stand?

I'm never without a book in my fanny pack or backpack. It helps me from getting fidgety when I start getting bored, and a lot of time I will stay put from dawn till dusk, and I don't think I would be able to do that if I didn't read. the last 3 deer I have taken, have all been while reading.

I agree with the statement in Swampys post. Yes its possible that I have missed deer while reading. I'm sure the number of deer I have seen would be less if I was not sitting still, or home on the couch during the middle of the day though.

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Re: Read on stand?


Well, I beg to differ with you two..... tongue.gif I read on stand during the less productive times in the stand. I am reading "For Big Bucks Only" by the North American Hunting Club right now. I read alittle, look alittle read a little and so on until around 30 minutes before the deer should move. I haven't missed a deer coming by to my knowledge yet.

It passes the time easier for me.

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I agree, I take a hunting magazine along and read it if nothing picks up. I either read a page or a paragraph and look around to see if I can spot anything out of the ordinary and then usually I resume reading.

I agree with Kyle. It defintely passes up time.

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Re: Read on stand?

The idea is to see the incoming deer before he sees you. Flipping those bright white pages doesn't really help with that does it? Also, keeping one eye on your surroundings and one eye on the book is great if you are a chamelion and can get your eyes going in different directions at the same time. grin.gif

I used to get caught up with reading my magazines while on stand until I got busted twice. Now it's one or the other.


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Re: Read on stand?

Ah, you must be talking about one of the commercial pop-up type blinds. That certainly would help. I hunt from a blind too, but I am not totally enclosed (built on location from surrounding materials), and since deer can approach from several directions, I have to be very careful about movement. I also have to be very attentive because depending on where the deer actually comes from, occasionally there is some slight re-positioning required. That's what makes it important that I see the deer as soon as possible.


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Re: Read on stand?


I have never read from my stand before but last sunday, i checked out the football scores from my cell phone.

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Oh I use my cell phone to pass time also. Tetris and text messaging are great time passers. I may have missed deer, but I didn't know it, and wasn't bothered by it obviously. I can usually hear them coming way before I see them anyways.

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Re: Read on stand?


I take along a small portable electronic golf game to make the time pass. The sound is off and I can still pick up sounds if deer approach me. I beleive that reading or doing other things on stand helps pass the time and keeps you from getting figgetty.

BTW: I own an Outhouse blind too, love it, I use it sometimes when gun hunting, had deer and turkeys come with 10 to 15 feet from it. Their nice to have and simple to set up on hot spots that don't allow for treestand placement. Great invention for sure.


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Re: Read on stand?

i dont personally read, i find that i need to stay focused. but i go in for lunch for about 2 hours so i get to take a break, if i stayed on the stand all day i think i would bring something to pass the time by.

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Re: Read on stand?

I read all the time on stand or ina blind, it passes the time more quickly. I don't think it's ever cost me a chance at a deer. Did I mention that the buck I shot on the 2nd of Oct this year didn't escape b/c I was reading. I simply set the book down, picked up the gun and shot him. I really don't buy the theory that reading makes you unaware of what's going on, it's not the reading, it's the person if they can be so easil distracted.

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Re: Read on stand?

When I was in college I lugged many a book to the treestand...I got one deer while studying and took he photos of me holding the textbook beside the deer. I then showed the guys in class and they really got a kick out of it; I think the professor even liked seeing it. I haven't done that any since, but I may grab a book or magazine and take it w/ me sometime.

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