Antler repair question


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I found a skull and antlers of a decent 9-point that I'd like to clean up and make a european mount with. The antlers are intact, but some chunks are missing from critters nibbling on them. What type of material is generally used to repair antlers? Any special process to make the color of the repaired part match the rest?

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Epoxy putty can be used. It usually comes in a clay form and you mix it to form a putty like substance. This stuff can be found in any Home Depot or Lowes. Hardware stores such as Ace carry it too. As far as staining goes you can use any wood stain you prefer.

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Epoxy putty can be used. It usually comes in a clay form and you mix it to form a putty like substance. This stuff can be found in any Home Depot or Lowes. Hardware stores such as Ace carry it too. As far as staining goes you can use any wood stain you prefer.

You can use the epoxy-sculpt that Mckenzie taxidermy sells for artificial european mounts. BE SURE TO GET WHITE EPOXY!!! By the way, this stuff is VERY hard to stain. A little trick I've picked up for staining is to mix some antler stain with the epoxy while mixing it up. Then make sure to really blend it in to so that the seams are nearly invisible. I always take a dremel tool and a folded peice of sand paper to match up the little grooves and antlers. Just take your time and keep messing with it. It will probably be a cycle of about 2 weeks of staining, sanding, and drying before it looks perfect.

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