MR. smart


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A friend owns a beautiful 50 acre parcel that normally he hunts but this year is having some personal issues and has offered us the opportunity. Of course we jumped at the opportunity.

This area is mostly flat feilds with corn (that is taken down already)to the E and bush to the N. Grass area at edge of bush. My friend has a built blind that is about 8 x 16, insulated, fully enclosed with windows all around it. He baits with apples and squash 20 yds to the E and 20 yds to the N.

My hubby took a great doe at one of the bait piles last weekend.

My problem is that I keep seeing a very big buck about 100 yds to the N. He runs the fence row to and from the corn. I have seen him chasing does while the corn was still up and now that it is down I see him by himself. Anyway my problem is "Do I stay in the treestand and just get a doe like my hubby" or "Do I get down and sit inthe fence row and try to get him". I use a compound which will cause more movement than just a crossbow.

He's big!!! He's Smart!!! I want him!!

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I would say if your seeing does during your hunts, I would think the buck would be closer to them than 100 yards. But in your case, I'd sit a tree stand by the fence row or sit a blind up. Take some of the down corn stalks and place them around your blind. Bring some antlers and rattle him in.

Good luck.

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So even though the food is right beside me I should go to the fence row eh! The does are coming into the food eventually he will too won't he. When I see does with him they are being chased and are only 10ft away from him, but they are running. I do not have a climber available to me so it will be a ground sit, I can try to hide in the grasses. I do have a doe decoy available to me though. Any thoughts.

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