Price and time frame on mounts?


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6 months is a short turn around time. You have to remember your deer isnt the only deer that one taxidermist has to do. The process from skinning to completing the mount takes alot of work in itself. Most taxidermists have a one year turn around time.

as for price, that depends on the quality of the mount as well as the area your in. Some areas charge $500+ for a shoulder mount...while others are in the lower range.

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You got a very good price. Too cheap IMO for someone in the business full time. 6 months is super fast if he can do it. For the life of me, I dont know how one can survive in this business doing shoulder mounts for $350.00 You can make more money by working at McDonalds.

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Ya I checked around and there is actually a guy here who does them for 285 in Caney with around the same turn around. But I'm not dissappointed that I paid $350 for this guy cause he was taxidermist of the year a few times here in Oklahoma so I'm sure the work will be perfect. I'm getting the shoulder mount where he is alert and looking to the left just a little bit.

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i got a deal on mine. i used carl's taxidermy in ohio. carl use to work my grandpa but i still had to pay full price which even is cheap. he charge 250 for the shoulder mount, 100 for the ohio plaque. and it was done in a month. but its carls every day job. so i guess i got a hella deal. but 350 for 6 months is straight deal in its own

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2 years ago I paid $495 for my son Joes buck.

Cash got me faster service and 50% down made him finish the buck even faster. Dropped it off in Nov got it back in March.

We are happy with the work he did.

Everyone around here gets about $4-500 to shoulder mount a buck with 6 months the usual turn around time.

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