Mt. Emily Guide OR


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I found this on another website and thought I would let everyone know that they better make a few phone calls and talk with people before hiring a guide in the Mt. Emily unit. Sorry the author didn’t type this up all that great.

Talked to outfitter on phone says mt emily is undered rated other units over rated in area.I ask what is the chances of 350 bull outfitter says their are more than people think in mt emily.Next question is about food informs me breakfast is like bacon eggs pancakes ham ect. good breakfast in mornings, lunch

sandwich fruit chips wont be back to camp for lunch, super steak,porkchops chicken ect.Meet outfitter at sportmen show ask same questions same answers.That good iam a meat and potatoes man.Outfitters informs me he has outfitter tags for the unit i book the hunt.Months go by dont hear from outfitter finally i call in sept. talk to outfitter inform me he has some good guide this year and they been seeing a lot of 330 to 380 bulls in mt emily. I tell outfitters that i went on a road trip looked over area seen bulls no shooters. told outfitters iam 61 no packing for me. he said thats why i have mules and horses. meet outfitters at interstate 84 and mt emily turnoff.head up forest service road 31 going between 30 and 60 mph on dirt road turn of on 3128 road going so fast that water goes over top of truck get into camp he ask if wayone would like to go scout both of us say yes inform me that he only has room for one ask if i will use my own truck,come back to camp we have super one hamburger on the very small buns and some beans to drink water or coke. iam thinking wheres the cook no cook just outfitterget up in morning breakfast is some eggs rice onions in a plastic throwing in hot water told to eat it when were out hunting on lunch its a bag of chips and crackers and peanut butter of nine days never had a lunch meet my guide at end of road followed us to out hunting area outfitter and client leave on 4 wheeler onceagain i driving my truck get out of truck in my guides truck ask guide what up what you been seeing guide says that hes been scouting around his house to far to drive up here i say oufitter said you people been seeing lots of big bulls he informs me that he has ony talk to outfitter twice and only meet him today informes me doesnot even know were we are to go ITS OPENING MORNING. we head over the ridge it so brushy could not judge bull it like jump shooting ask guide what are we doing in here he says dont know lets get the **** out of here and go find out own elk this is a joke we leave area and looking for our self see some bulls no shooters get back to camp its dark outfitter get in to camp dinner one hamburger with cheese and corn. Get up same thing for breakfast as first day told eat it while hunting leave camp give it to the birds no lunch again leave with guide see 9 bulls all over 300. Man with outfitter shoots 290 bull first day has to pack out for 2 days. he asks if he can have 2 burgers outfitter pauses then said ok. Next morning breakfast same thing i ask if he has anthing else for breakfast o yes i have some oatmeal ok reaches in box takes 2 packages of instant oatmeal puts in bowl Man with outfitter leaves heads home.Its only me and outfitter and dog in camp my guide had to go back to work leave camp i go where my guide and i seen a good bull outfitter go to see if he can find bull cant meet back at camp. DOG has got into food we left on table outfitter get back see this and BEATS the 12 month pup that night we see nothing. dinner noodles with cheese sause and corn no milk its sour. Morning same thing oatmeal no lunch crackers and peanut butter find no bulls get back to camp the pup had chewed on cape that was about 2 ft off ground guess what pup get beat again dinner some noodles and meat in bag threw into water to morning outfitters informs me he has to go to town for food i ask where is the ham eggs potatoes bacon for breakfast informs me he has none we go out hunting no elk go to town i have to get gas outfitter go to town gets back to camp at 730 that night i got back a 1 so went scouting by myself onceagain.In the morning once again he went scouting one way me another no luck no big bulls.Next day went after some bulls i didnot see then so dont know how big started to snow white out back to camp outfitter gets on computer for hours could of went low. dinner potatoes steak corn. first good dinner in seven days Next morning go behind this parents house no elk outfitter says would you mind if i went and feed my horse it not been feed for a couple of days feed horse break drinking water outfitter say would you mind if i plow my drive way no elk back at camp dog gets into food another beating go looking for elk outfitter find some bulls to look at in morning dinner one porkchop for me one for him potatoes tell outfitter lets get up early we have a long walk and i dont walk as fast as you same thing for breakfast leave get to hunting area have long walk we start walking after about 1/2 hour look up outfitter about 400 yard ahead call on radio ask to hold up keep going say when you find large arrow in snow find arrow call outfitter call outfitter says follow arrow go to ridge and go down ridge dark cant find ridge call outfitter says cant miss ridge just go doen into the basin then i say no outfitter say then you give up on me i say no Ido find ridge go down ridge outfitter says you have run down ridge the elk are 1000 to 1500 yards below you and going into the timber get down their find elk one broke 6 point it smells winds me bust doen ridge outfitter calls on radio says you realy screwed that up now what you going to do elk came up other side 6x6 was only about 305 to 310 had at 398 yards let him go because outfitter kept telling that i had to help pack and new it was not do able.” DogsalmonNov-27-09, 09:37 PM (MST)

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Guides response.


"Ok guys thanks for giving me a chance to explain my side and not throwing me under the bus. For one thing, this is FIRST time I found out he was unhappy. Other client said he would get on and post his view on this, as he was there too.

I did not read his WHOLE post, as It hurt me to try and read it and make any sence of it, but the following is my side. Feel free to IM me if I left something out.

He booked the hunt when he DREW the tag (was not an Outfitter tag) He booked it as a 2 on 1 hunt. @ hunters per one guide, to save money. He got a 9 day elk hunt for $4,000! And I hired a guide to guide him solo.....1 0n 1 hunt for 9 days for $4,000 just to get a bull killed! What was I thinking??

My other guides took him to areas that held good bulls scouting. He passed on 12+ 300-330 class bulls, went home empty. Yes, Mt Emily has some huge bulls, but like Wenaha, average bulls are 280-330 class. He was holding out for 350 or nothing. I understand and would have too.

If he was truly upset, he should have said something to me at camp! If the fully catered food from a local Italian restaurant was not good enough, speak up. I offered to make the guys breakfast, both said they dont like to eat big heavy breakfasts that early.

Yes, my dog got into my camp food, and I punished him. EVERYONE loves my dog, and is well trained, just his first time in camp, so he had to learn whats not acceptable. Too much time spent on the dog issue tho.....

Last day of the hunt, we went in on some bulls I saw day before. They were the same bulls the 370 bull was hanging with, so I assumed he was still with them. (yes, 370". Governors tag and his guys were up there and saw him and said 370-380) I spend weeks up there watching these bulls, but after 600 spike hunters sart hunting every skyline opening day, it becomes a new game after that.

I tried to talk the client that shot the 6 pt out of shooting it on opening day. He had crosshairs on the 370 bull as it got daylight, but was shaking too bad to shoot, and I told him to wait till it was broadside to shoot, and I was running camera. Anyhow, he waited and spike hunters came down the ridge on skyline and the big bull vanished. So, we been watching this nice 6 pt which was closer to us, and I knew we could do better. But He wanted that bull, so we made the shot and spent next 2 days packing it out.

I took Mike (unhappy guy) hunting the rest of the week. We saw many 300-330 class bulls. No 350+.......

Then I found that group of big bulls again, but didnt see 370 with them. Figured he was in the trees or something, so on last day we went after them. The thought was for me to go down opposit ridge as the bulls, Mike go down opposit ridge and wait for daylight ad I will spot for him. Well, he being out of shape 60 yr old man, took WAY too long to get in there, and I had twice the distance down the other ridge, so I told him I need to hurry. I drew an arrow in snow to show him which ridge to go down.....I proceed down my ridge, as It get light, there are the bulls, in killing range. I asked him where he was, and he said "i dont know which ridge to go down", I said "ok, the is one basin, I am on west ridge, you go down east ridge. Easy....well, he refused to go down, and demanded I hike WAY back up and walk him to the right ridge.....He was too worried about having to hike back up 100 yards if it was just a finger ridge he went down on. I told him to proceed....the bulls weare just feeding. Well, 2 hours after shooting light, the bulls were almost to trees...I asked him to hurry! Well, i asked him what wind was doing (with the smoke in a bottle I gave him) he said wind was great! I told him to ALWAYS check wind. Anyhow, I get him where he can finaly see the bulls. Cant see the 370 bull, so he eases over the ridge and starts going down to them.....WITH THE WIND AT HIS BACK!!!!!! Well, guess what.......they BLEW out of there so fast. We headed, out and he decided last night was not worth hunting, too tired I guess, too long of a drive back.

We went back to camp, he loaded up and come over and shook my hand and thanked me for a good hunt. NEVER said he was unhappy...never knew there was a problem till I get calls about this post.

Sorry guys, I been guiding Deer hunters in Mt Emily this week, and just got home.

I am sure I left something out, so feel free to IM me or talk to me on this post. I have NOTHING to hide. I have learned, I cant please everyone. Specially the ones that go home empty.

The ones that actualy have a problem at camp, usually let me know, give me the chance to accomodate them. I try to run a good camp. NOT A LODGE......wall tents. How can I fix it, if I dont know what to fix??? Anyhow, feel free to email me or reply to this post.

Thanks again guys for allowing my side of story before you pass judgement." BMA

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Share on other sites are kidding right? You expect people to read these copy and paste threads? This is brutal ....:hammer1::bang: Please clean them up. If you have something you want to tell we have to be able to read it to make any sense out of it...

Talked to outfitter on phone says mt emily is underrated other units over rated in area.I ask what is the chances of 350 bull outfitter says their are more than people think in mt emily.Next question is about food informs me breakfast is like bacon eggs pancakes ham ect, good breakfast in mornings, lunch sandwich fruit chips wont be back to camp for lunch, super steak,porkchops chicken ect.Meet outfitter at sportmen show ask same questions same answers.That good iam a meat and potatoes man.Outfitters informs me he has outfitter tags for the unit i book the hunt.

Months go by dont hear from outfitter finally I call in sept. talk to outfitter inform me he has some good guide this year and they been seeing a lot of 330 to 380 bulls in mt emily. I tell outfitters that I went on a road trip looked over area seen bulls no shooters. told outfitters I am 61 no packing for me. He said thats why I have mules and horses. Meet outfitters at interstate 84 and mt emily turnoff. Head up forest service road 31 going between 30 and 60 mph on dirt road turn of on 3128 road going so fast that water goes over top of truck. Get into camp he asks if anyone would like to go scout. Both of us say yes. Informs me that he only has room for one. Asks if I will use my own truck. Come back to camp and have supper. One hamburger on the very small buns. Some beans with water or coke to drink. I am thinking wheres the cook? No cook, just the outfitter getting up in the morning. Breakfast is some eggs, rice, onions in a plastic cup throwing in hot water told to eat it when were out hunting. Lunch its a bag of chips and crackers with peanut butter. In nine days never had a lunch. Meet my guide at end of road followed us to our hunting area. Outfitter and client leave on 4 wheeler. Once again I am driving my truck. Get out of truck in my guides truck and ask guide what 's up? What have you been seeing? Guide says that hes been scouting around his house. Too far to drive up here. I told him oufitter said you people been seeing lots of big bulls. He informs me that he has ony talked to the outfitter twice and only met him today. He informs me he does not even know were we are to go. ITS OPENING MORNING! We head over the ridge but it is it so brushy we could not judge bull. It is like jump shooting ask guide what are we doing in here? He says dont know lets get the **** out of here and go find out own elk. This is a joke! We leave area and looking for ourselves see some bulls. No shooters... Get back to camp and its dark. Outfitter gets to camp and dinner is one hamburger with cheese and corn. Get up same thing for breakfast as first day. Told eat it while hunting, again. leave camp give it to the birds.... No lunch again. I leave with guide and see 9 bulls all over 300. SA man with the outfitter shoots 290 bull first day has to pack out for 2 days. He asks if he can have 2 burgers. Outfitter pauses then said ok. Next morning breakfast same thing. I ask if he has anthing else for breakfast? Oh yes, I have some oatmeal. He reaches in box takes 2 packages of instant oatmeal puts in bowl. Man with outfitter leaves heads home. Its only me and outfitter and dog in camp my guide had to go back to work. I leave camp and go where my guide and I seen a good bull. The outfitter goes to see if he can find a bull, but cant meet back at camp. The DOG got into the food we left on the table. The outfitter gets back sees this and BEATS the 12 month pup! That night we see nothing. Dinner noodles with cheese sauce and corn. No milk, its sour. Morning same thing oatmeal, no lunch. Crackers and peanut butter. Find no bulls. Get back to camp and the pup had chewed on cape that was about 2 ft off ground. Guess what? The pup gets beat again. For dinner it was some noodles and meat in bag threw into water to heat up. Next morning the outfitter informs me he has to go to town for food. I ask where is the ham, eggs, potatoes, bacon for breakfast? informs me he has none. We go out hunting. No elk! Go to town and I have to get gas. The outfitter go to town gets back to camp at 7:30 that night. I got back at 1 so went scouting by myself once again. In the morning, once again, he went scouting one way, me another... No luck, no big bulls. Next day went after some bulls I did not see then so dont know how big. Could of went low Started to snow. Was in a white out. Went back to camp and outfitter is on the computer for hours . Dinner is potatoes, steak, and corn. The first good dinner in seven days. Next morning we go behind his parents house. No elk! Outfitter says would you mind if I went and fed my horse? It has not been feed for a couple of days. Feed horse break drinking water. Outfitter says would you mind if I plow my drive way. No elk! Back at camp the dog gets into food and gets another beating. Go looking for elk. Outfitter finds some bulls to look at in morning. Dinner is one pork chop for me and one for him with potatoes. I tell tell outfitter to get up early as we have a long walk and I dont walk as fast as you. Same thing for breakfast... We leave and get to hunting area. We have a long walk as we head out. After about 1/2 hour I look up and the outfitter is about 400 yard ahead. He calls on radio asks me to hold up. Keeps going and says when you find large call outfitter call him says follow arrow go to ridge and go down ridge dark cant find ridge call outfitter says cant miss ridge just go doen into the basin then i say no outfitter say then you give up on me i say no Ido find ridge go down ridge outfitter says you have run down ridge the elk are 1000 to 1500 yards below you and going into the timber get down their find elk one broke 6 point it smells winds me bust doen ridge outfitter calls on radio says you realy screwed that up now what you going to do elk came up other side 6x6 was only about 305 to 310 had at 398 yards let him go because outfitter kept telling that i had to help pack and new it was not do able.” Dogsalmon

Guides response


Ok guys thanks for giving me a chance to explain my side and not throwing me under the bus. For one thing, this is FIRST time I found out he was unhappy. Other client said he would get on and post his view on this, as he was there too.

I did not read his WHOLE post, as It hurt me to try and read it and make any sence of it, but the following is my side. Feel free to IM me if I left something out.

He booked the hunt when he DREW the tag (was not an Outfitter tag) He booked it as a 2 on 1 hunt. @ hunters per one guide, to save money. He got a 9 day elk hunt for $4,000! And I hired a guide to guide him solo.....1 0n 1 hunt for 9 days for $4,000 just to get a bull killed! What was I thinking??

My other guides took him to areas that held good bulls scouting. He passed on 12+ 300-330 class bulls, went home empty. Yes, Mt Emily has some huge bulls, but like Wenaha, average bulls are 280-330 class. He was holding out for 350 or nothing. I understand and would have too.

If he was truly upset, he should have said something to me at camp! If the fully catered food from a local Italian restaurant was not good enough, speak up. I offered to make the guys breakfast, both said they dont like to eat big heavy breakfasts that early.

Yes, my dog got into my camp food, and I punished him. EVERYONE loves my dog, and is well trained, just his first time in camp, so he had to learn whats not acceptable. Too much time spent on the dog issue tho.....

Last day of the hunt, we went in on some bulls I saw day before. They were the same bulls the 370 bull was hanging with, so I assumed he was still with them. (yes, 370". Governors tag and his guys were up there and saw him and said 370-380) I spend weeks up there watching these bulls, but after 600 spike hunters sart hunting every skyline opening day, it becomes a new game after that.

I tried to talk the client that shot the 6 pt out of shooting it on opening day. He had crosshairs on the 370 bull as it got daylight, but was shaking too bad to shoot, and I told him to wait till it was broadside to shoot, and I was running camera. Anyhow, he waited and spike hunters came down the ridge on skyline and the big bull vanished. So, we been watching this nice 6 pt which was closer to us, and I knew we could do better. But He wanted that bull, so we made the shot and spent next 2 days packing it out.I took Mike (unhappy guy) hunting the rest of the week. We saw many 300-330 class bulls. No 350+.......

Then I found that group of big bulls again, but didnt see 370 with them. Figured he was in the trees or something, so on last day we went after them. The thought was for me to go down opposit ridge as the bulls, Mike go down opposit ridge and wait for daylight ad I will spot for him. Well, he being out of shape 60 yr old man, took WAY too long to get in there, and I had twice the distance down the other ridge, so I told him I need to hurry. I drew an arrow in snow to show him which ridge to go down.....I proceed down my ridge, as It get light, there are the bulls, in killing range. I asked him where he was, and he said "i dont know which ridge to go down", I said "ok, the is one basin, I am on west ridge, you go down east ridge. Easy....well, he refused to go down, and demanded I hike WAY back up and walk him to the right ridge.....He was too worried about having to hike back up 100 yards if it was just a finger ridge he went down on. I told him to proceed....the bulls weare just feeding. Well, 2 hours after shooting light, the bulls were almost to trees...I asked him to hurry! Well, i asked him what wind was doing (with the smoke in a bottle I gave him) he said wind was great! I told him to ALWAYS check wind. Anyhow, I get him where he can finaly see the bulls. Cant see the 370 bull, so he eases over the ridge and starts going down to them.....WITH THE WIND AT HIS BACK!!!!!! Well, guess what.......they BLEW out of there so fast. We headed, out and he decided last night was not worth hunting, too tired I guess, too long of a drive back.

We went back to camp, he loaded up and come over and shook my hand and thanked me for a good hunt. NEVER said he was unhappy...never knew there was a problem till I get calls about this post.

Sorry guys, I been guiding Deer hunters in Mt Emily this week, and just got home.

I am sure I left something out, so feel free to IM me or talk to me on this post. I have NOTHING to hide. I have learned, I cant please everyone. Specially the ones that go home empty.

The ones that actualy have a problem at camp, usually let me know, give me the chance to accomodate them. I try to run a good camp. NOT A LODGE......wall tents. How can I fix it, if I dont know what to fix??? Anyhow, feel free to email me or reply to this post.Thanks again guys for allowing my side of story before you pass judgement." BMA

Edited by ruttinbuc
This is a nightmare!!!
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