Petition to end bowhunting!!!!


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I wouldn't be worried if I were you. Same things goes on year to year. Someone finds something bad and likes to exploit it in the worst way possible. I mean come on they are saying that a .22 LR has more killing power than an arrow with an 1 1/8" cut broadhead. The broadheads they listed are just names that they made up to make it look worse.

Edited by Tom2008
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Half the signatures are of people saying how much PETA sucks. I don't even pay attention to this stuff. Partially because of people like this....

"It is deeply disturbing to know that anyone can purchase a gun or weapon with just a "hunting" lisence. Even more disturbing is what these weapons are used for, or could be used for! There are all kinds of people stalking, and running around in the woods with weapons. I feel extremely unsafe in my own country. HOW IS THIS EVEN LEGAL ???"

Enough said.

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"these deer have a right to live just as well as all of GOD's creatures. it is not our call on whether these deer or any other animals live or die. GOD created heaven and earth, and he's the one that can take it away.; not for us to kill his creation. "

Does this person own a bible? Dosen't it say that God gave man all creatures to eat? Granted the person who took the shot had poor judgement, but that dosen't make all BowHunters bad people.

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Can't even stomach these IDIOTS!!!...

I've seen this "petition" before. I know all of us here could write a book about how wrong, uneducated, and pathetic these radical antis are, but it's something we deal with everyday. Just remember guys and gals as mad or frustrated as we can get, anytime we encounter these nuts, sometimes you get more bees with honey. Just try to respectfully educate them and show them how we really feel about wildlife, and what the truth really is.

Bottom line, is it's gonna be pretty tough to get them to think rationally or reasonably. Drives me nuts, they go on these rants about hunting but have no problem driving their cars with leather interior, buying leather purses etc, ordering chicken nuggets and burgers. They really don't have a clue about anything in life....Uhhh I could go on forever, sorry!

It's up to us to take the higher road, do all we can, and not give the antis any reason to further go off the deep end. I wouldn't put a whole lot of credibility to this online "petition".

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