My wife got her first deer..................


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And boys did she shoot a dandy. She shot it this morning at 8:30...........we woke up late and she dropped me off on the way to her stand. I'm sitting there with bow in hand and nubby head came cruising by. Bout 30 minutes later I heard POW!. She's only about 350 yards away. So I crawl down and start walking down the road her way. Bout 3 minutes later I see her running down the road at me in tears she was so happy holding her hands up like she shot a monster. When I got up there she was pretty electric. I said where's your gun............she said oh crap with the deer. I said is he a mounter. She said he is a good 8. We make our way down to where she was and she's giving me the rundown. We get there and I walk over the hill to HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said Can you count. She said Yeah...............I said in my book that's a 10 and started counting points. She yells holy crap I shot a 10..........Nothing like being there for the first time. Especially when the results are like this.




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