Hey Beilgard!!


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Dang I missed it!! My buddy just called and said you were on Spiritual Outdoors tonight! I caught just the last 5 minutes of it but I'm sure it was a great show. I'm going to have to catch it next time it's on. You need to give us a little heads up when you make a celebrity appearance! :clown:

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Canuck2 and I may have played a bit part, also...:clown:

We took Jimmy and his camera man Brandon to their blinds and back. Quite the experience with their gang, too!

I filmed some of that mirror type blind on a hunt with the guy that developed it. Used one o Jimmy's cameras. Antelope busted us though...

Edited by ruttinbuc
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Saw that this morning with Steve, Jimmy, antelope hunting. Second time I saw it. Liked that "antelope call", haha. Supposed to be on the Sportsmans Channel here on our cable in WV at noon tomorrow (Thur.) Doesn't say what episode. That hunt is episode 11 on SOA websites new hunts.

p.s. Also saw Ward Anderson on this channel a few days ago hunting with Wayne Vanzwoll (sp?) Antelopeoutfitters.com Yeah Ward, you hopped over that fence pretty well for a big guy, LOL. I always get snagged on that barbed wire about mid-stride, know what I mean?

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Saw that this morning with Steve, Jimmy, antelope hunting. Second time I saw it. Liked that "antelope call", haha. Supposed to be on the Sportsmans Channel here on our cable in WV at noon tomorrow (Thur.) Doesn't say what episode. That hunt is episode 11 on SOA websites new hunts.

There was a little snafu with the antelope call scene, eh Steve? :clown:

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Found this but don't know how the episodes roll...

The Sportsman Channel

Also on Direct TV Channel 605

Mondays 6:30 P.M. Central

Wednesdays 8:30 A.M. Central

Thursdays 11:30 P.M. Central (bonus)

Saturdays 4:30 A.M. Central


Figures, we pay for the outdoor channel but not the sportsman channel.

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