Peeing over an active scrape


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its just a question but ive heard both ways on the subject. so i thought i would ask here. ive always been cautious about human scent so i go before i ever hit the woods but ive been doin some reading and most people say that peeing on an active scrape has showed more results than buying the off the shelf deer urine. has anyone on here tried it out. or have trail cam picks of buck that have actually hit these scrapes or better yet and tagged buck that thought he was gonna hit the scrape.

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Have started mock scrapes with my own pee and had deer take them over, have also peed in active scrapes and had deer check them out while I was in the stand. Deer in my avatar pic was at a scrape I had peed in just 8 or so hours prior when he showed up at that scrape again and the wife could not close the deal.

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Urine is sterile, it contains no human scent, however if your not scent free you will leave scent from your clothes boots ect. and thats what will scare the deer away, not the urine itself.

deer dont smell the urine in a scrape, they smell the scent of the deer that was there. thats why they urinate over thier tarsel glands and create licking branches.

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Yes, it works. I have been guilty of ridiculing other people in the past for peeing in scrapes and making mock scrapes, but now I know that I was the idiot. I started peeing in a fake scrape behind my house and now it is about 3 times the size and deer have completely taken it over. It has also worked numerous other times. I'd like to add that I drink about 2 pots of coffee per day, too. I have peed in some scrapes and deer have left them alone but, they often abandon scrapes that I never peed in to so I think that that is a natural occurrence that I didn't influence. It is a very nerve racking feeling when you first pee into a scrape especially when you've been taught the false idea your whole life that human urine repels deer. Human feces on the other hand is another story. :D Don't ask!

I will also add that scrapes don't have to be cleaned out to remain active. Deer will often keep using them without ever raking the leaves back. Also, other animals such as dogs, foxes, coyotes, and racoons often take a leak in scrapes and it doesn't stop the deer from using them. Raccoons will even initiate scrapes on occasion.

Edited by TN Bucknasty
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I'm not going to do it as long as I can buy doe urine at the store, besides, I think my urine would smell like a big dominant buck and run all the other bucks off. hehe.

Seriously, I dont doubt anyone's accounts but if I'm going to make a mock scrape, I'm going to go all out and transfer some material from one area to another. Cut the limb off from a totally different area scrape and tie it to the mock scrape licking branch. Take a zip lock and steal a litte dirt from the other scrape too if you want. Or just pick up a bottle and pour in there. Why just pee when you can have the real deal?

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