LBD!--Scrubmasters Unite!


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Yes, that's right, Tominator, winner of countless big buck contests (OK, one, but who's counting?), knocked a little one down last night. :cool:

Here's the story: Ohio's gun season opened yesterday, and as most of you know, I'm a casual gun hunter at best, but I do love my Encore ML, and I do love hunting my little 3 acre patch of heaven. So I got home, messed around with the kids a little, found out that my wife did none of her work list for the day so to relieve the tension, I loaded the Encore and walked out back.

I have a grand total of 5.4 acres. 4.4 of it is mud, old pumpkins, and a little buck forage oats food plot. The rest is high foxtail, weeds, sunflower and sorghum. I walked out past the mud, out past the pumpkins and oat patch. I got to the high weeds, took oh, about 5 steps into the weeds and sure enough, up pops a little buck. He just kind of hopped out near the end of the property as I followed him in the scope the whole time. As he approached the end of the lot he stopped and stood broadside with his head, neck and shoulder visible--which was a mistake because I had already decided to shoot dang near anything that moved. :D

I put the cross hairs on the part of his shoulder I could see, dropped the reticle a touch and pulled the trigger.

At the shot of course the smoke blocked my vision, but I didn't see him run away at all, so I figured I hit him exactly where I aimed and broke his shoulders and back.

I reloaded and headed back to where I thought he dropped, but I didn't see anything, so I paced back and forth a little looking, and a little nervous to be honest because I was worried this buck might just be injured and he was just waiting to jump up and gore me. After about 10 minutes of walking around I decided to go back to where I shot him and line up some landmarks to try and find him. As I got a better idea of where I shot him, I walked back and 5 minutes into the walk I found him. :cool:

Turns out I hit him at the base of the neck, but the shot dropped him in his tracks.

I'd say he'll score right around 44 2/8. :D

I took him to the check station, and kind of funny/weird, the Ohio Division of Wildlife Chief, Dave Graham checked my deer in.

He was a pretty cool guy, we talked for a bit, and I asked him why the chief was out so late checking deer, and he said "Oh, I like to help out when I can." Which I thought was cool.

Anyway, I'll try and hunt down a firewire today here at school to get the pictures uploaded.


Sorry I can't get the pic bigger. Don't have time to fiddle with the settings right now.

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Nice buck buddy, congrats! :cool:

"Nice buck buddy..." as he secretly revels in all the teasing ammunition for years that just fell into his lap. :D

All you got to do now is pee on the property and it will "officially" be YOUR land!:clown:

Oh, done did that a loooong time ago. :D

congrats on your first buck of the new property. Could ya see the whole thing go down from that big window???

Somebody could have, but I think they were all too busy spreading out in that house and killing things on the Xbox. :rolleyes:

are you just gonna skullcap him or do a euro?

Euro. How much are you charging? :D Actually, with all the free pelts and guided rabbit hunts over the years, you should do it for free. :cool:

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