Parenting Question-CIO Method


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Anyone ever used the CIO ( Cry it Out ) method to teach your kid to sleep through the night? We have a counselor we see each month that evaluates Cash's growth and developement. They said he should be sleeping more during the night and recommend we start using the CIO method. Basically we let him cry himself to sleep with very limited comforting. We let him cry an hour straight lastnight before he finally went down. I felt absolutely terrible and wanted to pick him up and hold him. Anyone else used this? I feel so cruel.....

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***Flame suit on***

My wife and I did this same technique. It works well and doesn't hurt anybody but the parents. Letting your child cry is an unnatural feeling but in the end your child learns to go to sleep on their own.

We also took it one step further. At 6 weeks when our kids would wake up at night to eat, we would put them in a bedroom downstairs, shut the monitor off, and let them cry themselves back to sleep. We had 2 of the best sleeping babies by the time my wife went back to work, and still do.

It's not for everybody and I really took some crap from some of the ladies at work, but I still say it's the thing to do.

You are doing the right thing.

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I dont remember having that problem. I do remember constantly getting up with the twins for cries that meant "I'm hungry, diaper's dirty, tummy hurts, etc." But some of the cries you recognize more over time that just means they are sleepy and fussy, those are the ones you just got to let them keep crying for a while. All kids are different, I know, but that was my limited experience. Sure was nice to get them up when they were hungry and let my wife do the work since she was breast feeding, lol.

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Yeah, we used it too. Seemed to work.

As soon as my Daughter's probation officer can locate her (the rascal tore off the leg bracelet) I will ask her how it worked. My son can only be visited during weekend prison visitation hours so his opinion will be harder to get....can't just call him. :D

In all seriousness, I think the method is fine just get some cotton balls or earmuffs.


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We did have some family and friends tell us we needed to let them cry, however for whatever reasons when we tried our kids only got louder and never went down, they ended up getting picked up. Of course we dealt with pretty bad colic with our oldest so we were used to not getting any sleep with her. Our kids all sleep fine now thankfully.

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It works Kyle. We had to do it with all 3 of our boys.

I agree it was tough, but it works. Made me nuts. You have to let them know you are still there, peek in the room, let them see you so no feelings of abandonment develop. Just don't pick them up! That is how my wife and I handled the crying at sleep time.

Young kids at that age...unlike adults...learn quickly.

They will get over it and you and Jen will get some sleep.

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We did this with our daughter who is now 18 months old. There were a couple rough nights at the beginning and a couple nights where my wife was crying also but by the time my daughter was 6 weeks old she was sleeping through the night.

As far as I am concerned it is the only way to do it.

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