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Just and fyi......

That other guy that plays on the Thunder......

27.7 points per game

07.7 rebounds per game

01.7 steals per game

03.3 assist per game


After two years Toddy, you're still missing the point.:hammer1:

Other two guards with similar numbers....

Ben Gordon, Tareek Evans (rookie), Brandon Jennigns (rookie), Monta Ellis, Joe Johnson, Andre Iguldola, Gilbert Arenas, and Paul Pierce.

All very nice players, but a shooting guard who can score is MUCH easier to find than a 19 year old kid who's 7'0" 260 lbs. and is as athletic and quick as Greg Oden is.

Not to mention, Johnson, Iguldola, and Pierce are MUCH better defenders than Durant.

When you add to that, the fact that a dominant inside presence is not only hard to come by, but also is very important to a NBA team's success...you draft the big name if you can. That's all I've said all along. It was right back then (you guys just didn't get it- blinded by PPG stats), and it's even more apparent today.

The only other player who has youth, size, and the ability to affect the game like Oden has (at this point, Oden is still more about this potential than anything), is Dwight Howard...and he took his team to the finals last year and was the sole reason the Magic beat the Cavs and C's.

I'm not saying Oden is as good as Dwight Howard, or that he ever will be. But he has the potential to affect games in similar ways and is the same type of rare combinatino of size and athlectism.

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btw Toddy...Durant is putting up those numbers in 39 minutes per game.

Oden is averaging 24.9 minutes per game...that's a full quarter of basketball per game less than Durant. Oden, as I'm sure you not aware of is top five in player efficiency rating...Durant is not even in the top 100...

Honestly, if this was being argued out before a jury of our peers Toddy, your client would be getting a life sentence.

I'm smoking you, bro.

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dominant inside presence.....Oden is NOT.:ninja:

I can't help Oden can't stay out of foul problem.....I mean isn't that part of the game.......Staying in the game! I think all the other BIG men of the game are able to do so.......

It's not uncommon for a young player to get into foul trouble. I guess the idea of "progression" is something you guys are missing. He only played one year of college, and this is the NBA...you have to adjust, bud. This takes time.

You understand that he's only 20 right? This is his third year in the league, and due to injuries (the main concern wiht him) he really didn't play much the first two years.

They're bringing him along slowly. This is the first year he's started to show his potential. He's been extremely efficient and extremely productive. That's a fact.

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20 year old and already injury problems...... he will be out of the league in 3 to 5 years!

They said the same thing about Zydrunas Ilguaskas. He went on to have a very nice career.

Anyways, that has no bearing on this discussion. He didn't have injury issues prior to the draft, so that wasn't a factor in any decision making at the time.

Anyway, I said he should be #1...and he was, so apparently NBA GMs agree withe me. What do you have on your side other than the fact that Durant averages 27 PPG in 39 minutes as THE guy in Oklahoma City.

Oden's more efficient, and is probably the 4th scoring option on that team right now. If he was the first option, got 39 minutes per, no telling what he'd be doing. Then you add his defense, shot blocking and rebounding...there's no question he's much more vital to his team. Perhaps, not at this point, but he will be soon.

Toddy...seriously, I'm smoking you man.

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Oden's more efficient, and is probably the 4th scoring option on that team right now. If he was the first option, got 39 minutes per, no telling what he'd be doing. Then you add his defense, shot blocking and rebounding...there's no question he's much more vital to his team. Perhaps, not at this point, but he will be soon.

Please explain how the 4th scoring option only playing half a game can be vital to any team?

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Please explain how the 4th scoring option only playing half a game can be vital to any team?

When your 4th scoring option has the ability to put up 24 points in 27 minutes, while also controlling the paint...you've found yourself a vital component to your building a championship contender. Honestly, if all he did was rebound and clog the paint like Oden does, he'd be vital not scoring any points. But can score, and he's still developing his low post moves.

Also, when this 4th scoring option is a 20 year old 7 footer who's just now coming into his own, the future looks bright. As he continues to grow, log more minutes, and eventually grow into your 2nd scoring option...wow...now you've found something.

That's how.

On a team that lacks a lot of talent, there are a lot of guys who can average 27 a game averaging almost 40 minutes.

Durant is a defensive liability, an average rebounder, and is not a playmaker. He can't play on the block either... He's a nice player too...if I was drafting 2nd that year, I would have selected him too.

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Let me explain to you why Durant is a better player and will be a better player.

First, He is leading his team in ppg with 27.7. He is leading his team in rebounds per game with 7.1. He is alson leading his team in steals per game with 1.7. (Although according to you his defense sucks)

People who can score produce in the NBA. Oden can not even stay on the floor because of his sloppy play. (If it wasnt sloppy he would be able to play 39 mins.)

Who would you rather have? Someone who is a 11 ppg and 8 rpg person or someone who is 27 ppg and 7 rpg person? Kinda simple if you ask me. More productivity is better.

Your arguement about the 4th option and 1st option makes my point. If Oden is the fourth scoring option on his team he would get a lot of easy looks at the basket. He does not have to create his own shot. Durant, being the first option has to deal with more double teams and has to create his own shot. Defenses key in on Durant more since he is the best scoring option on his team. Oden gets all the clean up baskets because the other team must key on Roy and Fernandez more.

If you take off your rose colored glasses and and settle your man crush for a little and understand the points I just made you wouldn't be so high on your perch. :)

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sorry muggsy I got busy at work and had to leave......you too noticed he NEVER answered this question........:hammer1:

Ive noticed too that he doesnt reposnd to certain posts.

Give me a guy who puts up 27 and 7 and plays the WHOLE game rather than a guy who puts up 12 and 8 and can only stay on the floor for half a game.

Theres a kid somewhere in this country that in about 5 years is gonna be a star in the NBA. I don't know his name, but give him time and he'll show himself :D

Oh ya Ive seen him, kids got skillz:D

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Ive noticed too that he doesnt reposnd to certain posts.

Geez, give a guy some credit. I single-handedly prove an entire forum community wrong on a daily basis, and I'm so ahead of the curve I have to rapid fire my responses against 3-6 people at any given time here boys. A few things may slip through the cracks.

Right now, I'm telling you I'd take Oden over Durant. Any NBA man would, as a great GM already did when he was drafted. You can find another 2 guard that can score in any draft. Like I said, Durant is a fine player. Him going #2 overall was the right spot for him. What I'm also saying, is that you're all not very knowledeable about sports. You see 27.7 per and that's all you go on. There's no sound logic behind it.

Kobe, LeBron fill it up, but they're also some of the best defenders in the league. Steals per don't tell you anything about a players defensive ability. Larry Hughes led the league in steals and he's a marginal defender at best...an errant pass, a sloppy dribble can lead to steals. There's no stat to show how he's too small and gets backed down, or how he's really a tweener on the defensive end of the floor.

Durant isn't even the most valuable player on his own team. I'd take Westbrook over him anyday.

Honestly, I'm surprised you guys have the nerve to challenge me anymore. Me thinks after the Oden deal plays out you probably will finally learn not to.

And, since i'm sure you're all missing this...this won't be fully realized until 2014 at the earliest. You'll be sitting on the couch with your kids (even those who donn't have any yet. Superman, my muggsy insight says you'll have a boy then a girl) and you'll see Oden lift the Championship trophy and you won't be able to help but let out a little smile and think of that clever guy, Muggsbow.

OH, and the Thunder have some nice young players, especially Westbrook and including Durant. You know what would probably make them a playoff team?


Boom goes the dynamite.

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OH, and the Thunder have some nice young players, especially Westbrook and including Durant. You know what would probably make them a playoff team?


Boom goes the dynamite.

Here's the whole point of this pointless thread: The same thing can be said about the Trailblazers. If they had a dominant big man then they could be a contender.

Do you not realize that you're the same as all the Farve lovers that you argue with on a regular basis. Oden will end up burning you and I think deep down you know that. He's been in the league for how many years? What does he have to show so far?

There's no way that Oden will have a great career....there's no way he can stay healthy. Plus, he's a marginal defender. The ONLY thing that makes him a decent defender is his height. He is destined to be a Dikembe Mutombo wanna be. Sorry!

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Oden won't make it the entire season without going down hurt this year. As big as he is he will have the same issues as Yao Ming. You can't keep him on the floor for an entire season. We'll see if he can play a full season by 2014.

Don't get me wrong... I think he's a great, talented big man, but I would be concerned with his health for someone his size even on draft day. I would have taken Durrant #1 and that wouldn't have been a bad choice at all!

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Now we can start entertaining the bust label...although, it's hard to call a guy a bust based on injuries alone.

Still though, I think we have to be patient on this one. Feel bad for the kid. He's still very young. They need to give him some calcium tablets or something.

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