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You might want to just relax on this and let Muggsbow's insight unfold before your eyes. If you relax and just witness it, it's a beautiful thing.

Rome wasn't built in a day Toddy. It's the start of something good. When you control the glass, defend, and clog the lane, you're going to win consistently. Last I checked they're 12-8 pretty good record for such a young team.

Again, it's the start of something good. Much like Oden's career is just at the start. Even though you guys with ADD already wrote him off before you could even nuke your Hungryman dinner.

I'm like a slow cooker baby...brings out the TRUE flavors.

Once again gentlemen, I implore your patience in this matter.

Geez, give a guy some credit. I single-handedly prove an entire forum community wrong on a daily basis, and I'm so ahead of the curve

Right now, I'm telling you I'd take Oden over Durant. Any NBA man would, as a great GM already did when he was drafted. You can find another 2 guard that can score in any draft. Like I said, Durant is a fine player. Him going #2 overall was the right spot for him. What I'm also saying, is that you're all not very knowledeable about sports. You see 27.7 per and that's all you go on. There's no sound logic behind it.

Honestly, I'm surprised you guys have the nerve to challenge me anymore. Me thinks after the Oden deal plays out you probably will finally learn not to.

And, since i'm sure you're all missing this...this won't be fully realized until 2014 at the earliest. You'll be sitting on the couch with your kids (even those who donn't have any yet. Superman, my muggsy insight says you'll have a boy then a girl) and you'll see Oden lift the Championship trophy and you won't be able to help but let out a little smile and think of that clever guy, Muggsbow.


Boom goes the dynamite.



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Wow muggsbow, looks like you'll be eating a big steamy pile of crow on this one.:bang:

Again, I realize you guys all have ADD and are controlled by the media...but I beg you have exercise a little patience here.

He'll be 22 when he's back on the court...and that's at the latest.

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Again, I realize you guys all have ADD and are controlled by the media...but I beg you have exercise a little patience here.

He'll be 22 when he's back on the court...and that's at the latest.

So now with his injuries and with Durant becoming the second fastest to 4000 points behind Lebron. You can admit Durant is the better player and will have the better career. :)

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So now with his injuries and with Durant becoming the second fastest to 4000 points behind Lebron. You can admit Durant is the better player and will have the better career. :)

I never Durant wasn't the better player...you're projecting that on me.

What I did say is if you have the opportunity to draft a player that has the potential to be a dominant, 7 foot inside presense for you you do. I also said a player like Oden is much more important to winning in the NBA.

I also said he was the right pick for Portland...what would they do with both Durant and Roy. Roy is the much better player (behind Kobe and Wade, what other 2 guard would you rather have?). You'd have to play Durant at the 3- he would be dominanted my NBA small forwards on the defensive end.

Durant is a scorer. LeBron could average 45 a game if he wanted, but he gets his teammates involved, is first team all NBA defensively, and is a great rebounder. Durant is none of that.

A great offensive player, sure, that's Durant. But so is Allen Iverson...but AI can't D up either and what has he won?

Ultimately, a player with Oden's skill set vs. a player with Durants skill set is a much bigger piece to a winning puzzle. And honestly, it's still too early to say Oden can't be that.

If he can come back and average a double-double, like 15 and 10 while being the dominant inside man he was this season they'll be tough to beat.

Illguaskas pretty much missed three full season out of this first five years...so Oden can still come back, sure doens't look too positive for him though.

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Please don't try and tell us the Zdrunas Glassfeet is a dominant big man.

Don't pee in my ear and tell me it's raining.

Ugh. This is like playing cards with my brother's kids or something.

No c lou, I'm not saying that at all. He's a finese big. If you have a reading comprehension level of a 5th grader, you'll quickly sumize that I'm saying Illguaskas was plagued with injuries early in his career.

A lot of people wrote him off. He went on to have a very nice career.

I realize it's hard for most people in our society to wait the 2 minutes it takes to nuke our Hungryman dinners....but again, I ask for your patience.

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You know you're somebody when you're being quoted from way back in 2007.

For someone who's 6'11" that's beyond pathetic.:o Should be fun watching him get tossed around by small forwards all year. Just for the record, this solidifies my feeling that Kevin Durant does not have a postion in the NBA. To tall for the 2, and too weak for any forward position.

LMAO....looks like you had Durant down to a tee!:D No reason to doubt your Oden prediciton, huh???:D

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When is the last time you saw anyone in the NBA defend?

The last time I saw the Cavs, Celtics, and Magic play. Actually, saw a pretty good Houston team (under sized to boot) D up nicely on my Cavs just this past night. The Spurs built their dynasty around it...Danny Ferry and Mike Brown brought it to Cleveland with them.

Jordan, Kobe, LeBron...all as good defensively as they are offensively. That's what makes them all-time greats.

Other guys have built their entire careers around it. Bruce Bowen comes to mind. Terrible offensive player, but he was a key part of 3 Championship teams. I guess Greg Popovich knows less than you though, right?

Mackmackbow, Fausto has wicked stuff, and that's what gets him into trouble. Hitters have learned that they won't make solid contact at anything that isn't right over the plate and since it moves so much, there's a good chance it's going to break out of the zone anyway...so why swing?

That's been his sole problem. Once that starts happening, he starts aiming, and his entire delivery is messed up. He falls toward first after every pitch too. Eric Wedge (Softball Beer League) Manager of the Year never bothered with that though. I guess he was too busy nervously twitching and spitting out his chew.

Fausto is destined for Tommy John anyway. Way too much torque on his elbow...good chance he's going to wind up like Kevin's boy Lariano.

I like Manny Acta though. If anyone can straighten Carmona out, it's him. 2007 showed what the guy is capable of...I just think the Indians didn't handle him correctly and at this point, it may be too late. We'll see. He's also still very young, and since the Tribe hasn't really attempt to mold him, he's still very raw himself.

The kid did out duel Santana twice in the same month. I guess the stats are blinding you of that fact too. A bad pitcher can't do that, I don't care how much poor mechanics and injuries can confuse the people who don't know as much as me, making these obvious realities a bit convoluted in their eyes. The facts are still the facts.:hammer1:

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Ugh. This is like playing cards with my brother's kids or something.

No c lou, I'm not saying that at all. He's a finese big. If you have a reading comprehension level of a 5th grader, you'll quickly sumize that I'm saying Illguaskas was plagued with injuries early in his career.

A lot of people wrote him off. He went on to have a very nice career.

I realize it's hard for most people in our society to wait the 2 minutes it takes to nuke our Hungryman dinners....but again, I ask for your patience.

SO your saying you would be happy if a #1 pick, can't miss big man, ended up with a career like the Big Z had?

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SO your saying you would be happy if a #1 pick, can't miss big man, ended up with a career like the Big Z had?

Lou....read this slowly.

The Big Z reference is being used to demonstrate that a guy who has injury problems due to his size, can come back and play basketball and be effective.

K? That's all. Just saying we can't write off Oden at this point due to injuries. It sure doesn't look promising for him, but again (and this is the meat and potatoes of the Big Z comparison) it didn't look promising for Big Z either and his injuries were much more serious.

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Dude, that's John C. McGinley as Dr. Perry Cox from the TV series "Scrubs" my man. Above average show, but I don't think I'd like it nearly as much if it didn't have that character.

You should recognize McGinley man. He's been in some classics; Wall Street, Office Space, Point Break, PLATOON, he's the Commish on Miller Lite's "More Taste" commerials, and he's only been on Scrubs for a decade now...

Wiki describes Perry Cox as:

"Dr. Cox is sarcastic and misanthropic, with a quick, cruel wit and a love of rants often making very illogical and self-destructive decisions in order to keep his "bad boy" image." (Sound like someone you know?)

My wife says I act like him. Now, do you see why it's fitting for me to have him in my sig line?

Geez...guys, I thought that was obvious. I'm giving you gem comedic material here and you guys are busy laughing at lame Tiger Woods hole-in-one jokes in the lounge. (Muggsbow sits, shaking his head in disgust and utter disappointment).

PLEEEEEEASSSSSSE try to stay with me here boys. I know it's hard unless you're a member for Mensa, but feel free to PM me for clarification. My door is always open.

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The bottom line is you have a picture of another man in your sig. Does your wife know about this?:cell:

The guy has to be close to 50 too, and still keeps himself in great shape. He must workout.

Anyway, what are you, a Realtree lurker now? How are you going to go from full-time contributor to troll in less than a year, bud? That's weak.:crutch:

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It's called working 14+ hrs every night.:bang:

You wouldn't happen to be coming to the beautiful southern shore of Lake Erie for tonights Brown vs. Squeelers game, would you?

I'll be there...layered in a complex system of polyproplene, fleece, and Goretex. Going to be gusting winds of 35-45 mph, windchill is supposedly going to be nearing single digits and I'm sure the stadium is going to be about 40% Steelers fans.

Oh well, I'm leaving work in 18 minutes and our tailgating group will have Italian sausages, burgers, and a keg.

Life could be worse, even if Mendenhall and Parker will probably combine for about 250 yards tonight.

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