Looking at a new rifle!


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Lookin at rifle today, the guy working told me to check out a mossberg 4x4 bolt action, i pretty much fell in love with with the feel and look of the gun. It's also in my price range!! Wondered if any had any experience with one and what caliber would be best. ( I mainly just use my rifle for deer but might go bear hunting some in the next few years) Leaning to the .300 win mag.

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I don't know if I would go Mossberg for a rifle. I have never been the biggest fan. Look at the Savages which are equally affordable and they defintely are accurate. The Weatherby Vanguard at 399 would be another good low price choice which is allot better quality than Mossberg in my opinion.

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The Mossberg rifle got a good write up in a few magazines. It is a all steel action that is machined not cast.


Mossberg and Savage are made in the USA by Americans just like you and I. Unlike the Weatherby for 399 made in Japan where gun ownership is basically outlawed.

I have held the Mossberg 4x4 at Gander Mtn and it pointed and balanced very well. I would expect 1-2" groups out of it.

.300 win mag is a bit much for deer, but if you are shooting long distances you will need that flat trajectory.

The Savage is a good alternative.

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I like the Mossberg ATR's better than the 4x4. There were a few things about the 4x4 I wasnt crazy about. They look pretty good though.

The ATR is a pretty tough little rifle and plenty accurate. They are cheap too.

As stated above, you cant go wrong with a Savage either. They are some of the best Rifles on the market for the price.

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i bought the 4x4 3yrs(this is 3rd season) in laminated stock(beautiful) and in 270!! It shouldered very great,shot smoothly and out of the box shot 1" groups!! This rifle was as smooth as my other high and rifles and balanced really nice from a standing shot with no shooting stiks!!BUT.... After my bear hunt this last yr(08) for some reason won't group at all!! Have tryied different ammo, from a vise ,stiks,have tried it all!! Took to gunsmith they told me it was the barrell away from the stock or something like that!! I took to range and was a little better but still jumped all around(in a vise)!! At first i really thought it was that cheap scope that came as combo!! I asked the gunsmith and he checked it out and thats when he told me it was the stock and barrell! To me the scope was put back on a little crooked but he told me it was just me!!I wasn't the only one that looked through it and seen it was crooked!! Anyone with advise would be greatly appreciated!!

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actually besides the problem i'm having my mossberg's action is alot smoother to work than my rmef 300 wsm remington 700xcr!! I like them both and the remington was alot more pricey than the mossberg and i guess that's why i am having the grouping problems with it!! A buddy looked at it with me lastnight and said the stock needs to be sanded down alittle more or something i'm kinds gunsmith alitterate!! I would agree with ekyhunter though if you can get on of them brownings or a remington for same money or cheaper than thats what i would do also!!

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