I lost faith in tinks products


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I used the power scrape this year on my mocks and I had a dandy that was running does veer off to come check the scrape. I missed his at 22yds. One other time I had a nice 8pt follow the tinks 69 drag I made. It usually doesn't bring me results, but once in awhile you'll get lucky and it will bring you a shot opportunity.

You weren't one of those guys using it in October were ya?

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I think next year I will try the tink69,but not the hot bomb or the power scrape.Sounds like the 69 will work good.I have talked to a few guys around here and all they will use is the original tink69 Thanks for all of your input.

Now you're talking. This is exactly what I do.

From my many years of using many types of attractant scents I have found them to make a difference in about 1 out of 15 hunts. A grunt call 1 out of 10 hunts and I've only had luck rattling one time that I can remember.

On October 12th 06 I had a HS scent waffer hung 25 yards from my stand. The wind was blowing into the field. Several does walked by and did not pay attention. Then a 160 inch buck walked around the other side of the field just out of bow range (50-60 yards). The buck was past me and headed out to the field with the does. At 50-60 yards into the field his head went up and he turned. He walked directly towards the scent waffer and stopped at 25 yards to smell it. His mount looks great on my wall.

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I used Tink's Doe-P last year early archery...I felt like it worked well as a cover scent and had deer come in on my trails...This year I swear it worked about as well as a bottle of water...

I think scents work at some point and maybe in some areas than others. Needless to say next year I'll either try a different brand or forget it all together, like someone said here, I think stand location is a better bet than scents...

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I have never been a scent useing guy much but have tried them a few times.I tried tinks,code blue and some others that I cant remember.The one I had most luck out of was special golden estrous,I hang some scent wicks and when I came back the next day there were scrapes under and around them that were not there the previous day.I think they help but nothing is guarenteed.

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I will not tell you that I am a professional hunter, but I will tell you that I have harvested over 130 deer in my lifetime.Hunting requires skill and dedication and lot's of years of experience before you can be proficient enough to call yourself a real hunter. Paying your dues' and years of experience is the best teacher.I am the type of person that is always the first out the door at camp on opening day of deer season and the last to return to camp on the last day. While others are going back to camp to eat lunch, take a pee, sleep, I am sitting in my tree stand, waiting for Mr. Buck or Miss Doe to come walking by.I do not, nor have I ever relied on scents or cover scents to make me a better hunter. In the woods, everything has a time and a place. Deer live there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and they know every bush, every tree, every tree stump in the woods. Just one little thing out of place, like a car parked along a road is enough to set them off and make them leary of going someplace where they might get shot.On the other hand, I have worked in the woods and have ran chainsaw and looked behind me and saw deer watching me run the saw. Once they learn that the sound of the chainsaw means browse on the ground that they could not reach, they will go out of their way to be the first to the dinner table.About 7 years ago, I bought on sale, after the season was over, a bottle of Tinks 69. Most times it sits in my backpack and I forget to use it. Products like Tink's 69 relies on the time of year when the deer are in full rut. If the rut is over, all the Tink's 69 in the world is not going to help you. As a matter of fact, it will repel the deer if the deer that produced the scent is stronger then the deer in the woods you are hunting.Animals can smell other animals pee and can tell what condition - physically that animal is in. It's like leaving a calling card.This year my Pennsylvania hunt consisted of 3 1/2 hours in a tree stand over looking a bedding area. I consistently saw deer and bucks from 7 Am that morning - at the time when the season opened, until 9:30 Am when I harvested my buck. At 7:30 Am that morning, a herd of about 12 deer, including about 3 bucks invaded my territory and a small spike stood not 40 yards from my tree stand as a look out from 7:30 to 9:30 when the deer decided to leave the bedding area.About 9 Am that morning, I decided to squirt a little Tink's 69 on the side of the tree I was sitting in and something ticked off the deer and made them mad enough to get up and run past my stand. The large bucks were herding the doe's and did not want to loose their doe's to a foreign buck.This hunt was in a 4 point to a side zone and anything smaller then a 4 point buck was illegal. I left trophy bucks go that morning because I could not put 4 points on one side of their rack.Needless to say, after 6 years of not getting a buck, I took the first opportunity that came along this year. At the end of the day, we had two large bucks on the ground out of the same tree stand. This stand was not on posted ground and was only 4 feet x 4 feet, not some big tower stand over looking a corn field or food plot. That Saturday, my dad also shot a nice trophy buck out of the same stand. We do not use trail cams and we did not know that there was even any deer in the area. We just relied on the knowledge that in years past that the stand was productive.I would have to say that the $5 I spent on the bottle of Tink's 69 was the best $5 I ever spent!

hunting pictures 2009 006.jpg


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I will not tell you that I am a professional hunter, but I will tell you that I have harvested over 130 deer in my lifetime.

Hunting requires skill and dedication and lot's of years of experience before you can be proficient enough to call yourself a real hunter. Paying your dues' and years of experience is the best teacher.

I am the type of person that is always the first out the door at camp on opening day of deer season and the last to return to camp on the last day. While others are going back to camp to eat lunch, take a pee, sleep, I am sitting in my tree stand, waiting for Mr. Buck or Miss Doe to come walking by.

I do not, nor have I ever relied on scents or cover scents to make me a better hunter.

In the woods, everything has a time and a place. Deer live there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and they know every bush, every tree, every tree stump in the woods. Just one little thing out of place, like a car parked along a road is enough to set them off and make them leary of going someplace where they might get shot.

On the other hand, I have worked in the woods and have ran chainsaw and looked behind me and saw deer watching me run the saw. Once they learn that the sound of the chainsaw means browse on the ground that they could not reach, they will go out of their way to be the first to the dinner table.

About 7 years ago, I bought on sale, after the season was over, a bottle of Tinks 69. Most times it sits in my backpack and I forget to use it. Products like Tink's 69 relies on the time of year when the deer are in full rut. If the rut is over, all the Tink's 69 in the world is not going to help you. As a matter of fact, it will repel the deer if the deer that produced the scent is stronger then the deer in the woods you are hunting.

Animals can smell other animals pee and can tell what condition - physically that animal is in. It's like leaving a calling card.

This year my Pennsylvania hunt consisted of 3 1/2 hours in a tree stand over looking a bedding area. I consistently saw deer and bucks from 7 Am that morning - at the time when the season opened, until 9:30 Am when I harvested my buck. At 7:30 Am that morning, a herd of about 12 deer, including about 3 bucks invaded my territory and a small spike stood not 40 yards from my tree stand as a look out from 7:30 to 9:30 when the deer decided to leave the bedding area.

About 9 Am that morning, I decided to squirt a little Tink's 69 on the side of the tree I was sitting in and something ticked off the deer and made them mad enough to get up and run past my stand. The large bucks were herding the doe's and did not want to loose their doe's to a foreign buck.

This hunt was in a 4 point to a side zone and anything smaller then a 4 point buck was illegal. I left trophy bucks go that morning because I could not put 4 points on one side of their rack.

Needless to say, after 6 years of not getting a buck, I took the first opportunity that came along this year. At the end of the day, we had two large bucks on the ground out of the same tree stand. This stand was not on posted ground and was only 4 feet x 4 feet, not some big tower stand over looking a corn field or food plot. That Saturday, my dad also shot a nice trophy buck out of the same stand. We do not use trail cams and we did not know that there was even any deer in the area. We just relied on the knowledge that in years past that the stand was productive.

I would have to say that the $5 I spent on the bottle of Tink's 69 was the best $5 I ever spent!

I am not new to hunting and have spent lots of time in the woods.I don't care about how good you think you are.I already stated next year I am going to try the original tinks 69. Pat yourself on the back somewhere else!

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Tink's 69 worked for me.

The first time I used it was Nov 12th 1986. I poured it on the trail in front of my stand then climbed up in my tree. By the time I was settled in I heard a deer coming down the hill. He stuck his nose in the Tink's and I shot him. That was my first buck with a bow. I almost felt like I had cheated because it worked so well. :rolleyes:

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