Passing Deer?


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Here in Ohio, you only get 1 buck tag per year. It's not that important to me to fill that tag, unless it's a "shooter". That word can only be defined by the individual hunter. To some, a shooter is only a mature buck, to others, it's the first buck that comes along. I'm lucky enough to be hunting on some prime private property that holds several mature bucks. If I'm looking for some freezer meat, I'll pop a doe. I won't shoot just any buck, just to fill a buck tag. If a skipper comes along on the last day of the season, it still gets a pass by me. Again, that's just me. :cool:

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...the advice I would pass on is to set your own goals, don't worry about what others will say or do and shoot what you want.

Great advice Chris. I also agree with Todd. Becomes a lot easier with time. It also becomes a lot easier when you have the chance to spend a lot more time in a deer stand each year than the average hunter too.

The vast majority of deer hunters started out killing whatever bucks they wanted and were thrilled just to kill one. Some reach a point where they are just not happy killing any legal buck anymore. When that time came for me I became real disappointed in myself if I killed a younger buck with ground shrinkage. Eventuially I learned how to estimate age on the hoof and realized the ones I passed would at least have a chance to grow into old bucks that I'd like. Doesn't bother me at all to pass them, even if it's down to the last minute of the season. I can get all the meat I want out of the does I take.

The bottom line is...take the bucks you're happy with. You're really the only one you have to please when it comes to killing a buck. If you're not going to be happy with a buck that comes by...pass them. Chances are, the time will come when the bucks you want will be older, bigger rack bucks.

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We had a camp in Chanango Co. NY, shooter there was anything legal. Do it quick cause it won't get better.

200 acres here in central Pa. Shooter here is 2 1/2 yr old or better. For me, nephews standards are a little smaller. LOL

14,000 acres in Montana, shooter there is 130" or better, If you wait for a 150" you might go 4 years without taking a buck.

Heck there are place in the Mid west 130 is a Grower not a shower, go figure. I've taken all kinds of bucks, my biggest was a 138" 10 pt. and I can tell you his memories aren't any better than the small 6 pt I took to put burger in the freezer. This is a great sport, you be the judge of the shooter.

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I cannot bring myself to shoot small deer. If I know I wont be satisfied with it, I do not shoot. I would rather be left with an empty tag at the end of the season than shoot something just because. You are never gonna shoot the big one unless you let the smaller ones grow. I pass small bucks knowing that the neighbors will probably shoot them if they get the chance but I refuse too shoot them and will at least give them the chance to grow. Even if I hunted public land I dont think I could do shoot young deer, its just not something I like to do. I will not shoot a deer just to fill my tag.

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this past year i decided to pass smaller bucks... it worked nice.. problem was i was looking for a couple nice does for the freezer... i saw 20 plus different bucks thru the season(archery/gun) and maybe 2-3 does..hahaha i guarantee if i was not passing the bucks i would have seem tons of does... at least it seems that way... i did end up with a big 7 pt with a 18 1/2 inch inside spread.... but still looking for a couple does....

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I have been passing on smaller bucks for the las 10 years or so and we have been seeing better deer for that.You cant have bigger bucks if you shoot them at a young age.It took me a long time to realize this but since I have set my mind to killing only more mature deer,I feel a bit more accomplishment when the big one is on the ground.Fill the freezer with does unless its close to the end of the season,then you can shoot a small buck if you still need the meat.

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I have a minimum and I won't cheat on it. Not on the first day. Not on the last day. Haven't shot a buck since 2004 (mostly because PA's wonderful AR program hasn't done crap to produce good, shooter bucks). The "not shooting a buck" part does not bother me. I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself. The part about the game commission lying to the hunters in PA about buck quality.....that bothers me.

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