Last Live Hunt of the year Iowa ..starts now!!

Tim Andrus

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Just had a 10-15 min. phone call with Tim. He is doing great. He was very cold and he said that his face got wind burned today. He was very excited that two big shooter bucks came in at last light. One was about 140" and the other about 150". Tim was going to drop the hammer on one and was told to hold off because the light wasn't good enough for filming. He saw another buck that he thought was bigger. He really wanted to shoot a buck but since someone else is paying for this hunt and it will be an episode of Deer City USA he does what the cameraman tells him. Hopefully the bucks will come out sooner tomorrow. Good luck Tim!

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I've been on the road today, so here's some updates I got today. Sorry...

8:07AM (Iowa time) - "2nd morning cold windy. wind chill around 8 again. feels colder when you're looking into it. zero deer so far."

2:39PM (Iowa time) - "2nd nite. back in same box blind on corn lot. snows coming. should be good nite."

3:36PM (Iowa time) - "first buck of the night. 8 pt. not a shooter."

...I haven't heard from Tim since. The night before a couple shooters strolled in at the end of filming light, so Tim had to resist dropping the hammer on a monster buck with his T/C. I haven't gotten any more updates though...

Has any one else heard anything? Maybe gotten a picture of a monster on the ground?

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