Where do I find him?


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I've got a trail cam set up over corn that I scatter weekly. I pulled the pictures off of the camera yesterday (Saturday). Season here in Kansas started Wednesday. I've seen a lot of deer during the day, but no big old and apparently wise bucks. The camera shows big bucks showing up at 6:15 every night since season started. Very punctual. Several different bucks too.

Sunset is at 5:08, can shoot half hour after that. Moon comes up at 9pm.

The camera is set up at the convergence of several trails across a small creek with lots of trees and brush. This is in the middle of a pasture. There's corn stalks 150 yards to the west, not mine. The neighbors property is very dense brush starting 200 yards to the south.

I have that small stream that continues north, it's on my property for a mile. Most of it is pretty brushy. I'm not used to hunting such thick brush.

This is my first year on the property so I don't know as much about it as I would like. I'm guessing I need to figure out where they are bedded during the day, but I don't know where to start. The weather is set to change for the next few days to wintry mix, we've had nice clear weather with full moon.

Any advice appreciated.

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The rule of thumb is find a slightly used trail coming out of the heaviest cover in the area. Heavely used trails are normally does and fawns. Big Bucks will usually not use these trails unless they are rutting.

Do not try going into the heavy cover cause if there are any big bucks bedded there you will just spook them.

Set up as close to the cover as you can and hopefully you will ambush a Buck going to or coming from his bed.


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My guess is, since they are being so punctual, that you need to get closer to their bedding area (where ever that may be), and catch them on their way their earlier or on their way back in the morning.

I have a little place I hunt that really produces best late mornings or early afternoons, because it is basically right near their bedding areas.

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do you have an aerial view of the section of property you are speaking of?
Here's a picture, I can't get a large area to show. The area where the camera is located is right where the line of trees coming up from the bottom branches out.The picture doesn't show how brushy it is really. The pasture is 2' tall grass.



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