Shot my '09 buck!!!!!!!! (huge)


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Dad called me at school and told me to get home because they had him spotted. he was laying bedded with the wind in my favor, a 20 min. stalk got me within 15 yards and i arrowed him in his bed.


any thoughts on score? nontypical, he has a droptine below left ear.


small drop tine about 1.5 inches long

Edited by shedhunternick
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Dad called me at school and told me to get home because they had him spotted.

Man, you've got one special Dad. :):)

That's a very unique buck.

do you know how to shoot a unique buck?





Unique up on him :)

Do you know how to shoot a tame buck?





.Tame way...unique up on him:)

WAY TO GO, on a fine stalk and a nice bucks. And Kudos to your Dad for getting you out of school for something very, very important :yes:...LOL :):)

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