Father/Son Exotic Hunt Results


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Here's a couple pictures of the hunt my dad and I took this last weekend. I recently just got married and wanted to say thanks to him for all the help and support throughout my life so I decided to take him on a boar hunt. We got up in the stand at 7 am. We saw plenty of animals but the hogs weren't coming into shotgun range. At 9:30 we decided to follow a group of hogs that made their way into some corn about 250 yards away. After about a 30 minute stalk we couldn't find them. So we were moving to another stand and right as we rounded the corner to that stand a elk busted out of some more corn about 90 yards away catching my attention. After watching him take off I noticed that tell tail black spot in the corn. He came out of the corn and started angling our way. I just told dad to wait and let him come. Well he got right up to the blind we weren't in and stopped and looked and it and turned broadside. The remington barked, he squeeled and off he went. He stopped at about 90 yards and dad pumped him one more time for good measure! His estimated weight is somewhere from 200-225. Time for some bacon!!


My hunt took place in the afternoon. At first I was going to shoot a boar while hunting my dad's boar we saw this Texas Dall that caught my attention. Since I already have a big boar on the wall I decided a sheep would do just fine. My hunt was almost one of self defense as during the spot and stalk the biggest ram decided he'd had enough of me followed them and wanted to put a end to that. He starts coming to me and I have no intention of shooting him because of cost, but he closes to distance to 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5...Oh **** this is too close. The whole time I'm backing up holding my bow in front of me as his head stays down then he turns it to the side, but I can see his eyes watching me. I didn't dare turn my back for frear of taking a horn in the rear end. After he walked me a good 100 yards backwards he decided I wasn't worth it, and I gotta be honest it was about time, he headed back to the group. After some careful stalking I was able to close the distance to 31 yards and let the arrow go! It disappeared right behind his shoulder and he ran maybe 10 yards stopped and tipped over!


Overall a great day and one that won't be forgotten!


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This was a high fenced hunt. Here in Indiana we don't have these things wild and I'm pretty sure russians are not wild anywhere but Russia. I used to be very against high fenced hunting until I gave it a try. I still couldn't kill a deer, elk, moose, etc in a high fenced but a exotic I'm ok with since they really aren't wild in the US for the most part.


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This was a high fenced hunt. Here in Indiana we don't have these things wild and I'm pretty sure russians are not wild anywhere but Russia.

A lot cheaper than a trip to Russia!

Glad to see you had a great time with your father. Great looking ram and boar there!

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