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Why is god, as in an omipowerful diety, almost always reffered to as a he? Its a he in Christianity, Islam, and viritually all other religions except for some forms of Hinduism and Wicca, I believe. Is there a reason behind this?

Im not a feminist or anything, just something that peeked my interest.

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Because, historically, men have always been (or have been considered) the dominate gender. Keep in mind that the term, "Women’s liberation" was not a notable term until 1964. Women were not allowed to vote in the United States until after WWI.

In the middle east and a lot of third world countries women are still considered second class or property. It doesn’t make it right but it is a historical fact. That being said, even scholars from our early beginnings would have leaned more toward a male as a God (no matter the religion).

I personally believe in God (the Trinity). God, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. However, I do not believe that God is one sex in general. Sexes are a form of reproduction (in any species) and therefore I don’t believe God to be man or woman though his image seems to be historically masculine.

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One might argue that God created "Man" in HIS own image. If taken literally then God would have to be in the masculine. If you believe in the creation as written in Genesis then you could agree that there was male and female animals and plants (they reproduce sexually too) before woman was created. They all reproduced after their own kinds, so then we must assume that they were doing it like they are today.

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"God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24

I believe the Bible, and it tells us that God is a Spirit. A spirit has no physical body and so it has no sex.

Of course there are several other Scriptures about men and women and the order that God created us, but that's another study.

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One might argue that God created "Man" in HIS own image. If taken literally then God would have to be in the masculine. If you believe in the creation as written in Genesis then you could agree that there was male and female animals and plants (they reproduce sexually too) before woman was created. They all reproduced after their own kinds, so then we must assume that they were doing it like they are today.

Pretty good point John; however, (you knew there had to be a however) "masculine" or the heart of a man is not determined by his role in reproduction. I believe it was probalby Man's heart and attitude.

I think reproduction is a perfect design that was established at God's will. In the beginning there would have been no need of any form of reproduction (especially in God's case).

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"God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24

I believe the Bible, and it tells us that God is a Spirit. A spirit has no physical body and so it has no sex.

Of course there are several other Scriptures about men and women and the order that God created us, but that's another study.

Great Point!

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