They should all be strung up next to the deer!!!


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31 bucks and 9 does, 40 total deer in the picture........hmmm. I guess I won't post the picture of the 18 deer hung up in the same type of fashion that our group shot during Ohio's week long shotgun season. I'd hate for you guys to start calling for my head, or my guns, or calling me a non-hunter, or classifying me as a slob hunter, or wanting to lock me up...... :rolleyes: :surrender:

It's a picture on the internet, with a story tied to it. Do you know if the story is right? Nope, you sure don't. I got the same picture sent to my email a few weeks ago, but the story attached said it happened in southern Ohio. :hammer1:

Some of you sure jump to conclusions quickly....

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As the originator of this post I ask that this post be locked at least for now.

Reason: I was contacted personally about the picture and my posting, by someone who is claiming they where there, in this hunting party. There is some legitimacy to this posting. My posting may not have been 100% correct. I took this info from 2 different sites. I copied and pasted it. I didn't change it, I just posted it. It was also on our local news.

If these deer were taken and tagged legally, Kudos! And job well done! I hunt with in an hour of this place. And if these deer were all taken legally I will go on record here and say I was wrong.

To the portion of the email I was sent that says "10 tickets for not tagging our deer in a timely matter. Wow" I reply, in the neck of the woods I hunt in you get a ticket for this when the DNR rolls up and you have a deer hanging with no tag and they let you tag it and still give you a ticket. You had no intention of tagging it until you got caught!


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As the originator of this post I ask that this post be locked at least for now.

Reason: I was contacted personally about the picture and my posting, by someone who is claiming they where there, in this hunting party. There is some legitimacy to this posting. My posting may not have been 100% correct. I took this info from 2 different sites. I copied and pasted it. I didn't change it, I just posted it. It was also on our local news.

If these deer were taken and tagged legally, Kudos! And job well done! I hunt with in an hour of this place. And if these deer were all taken legally I will go on record here and say I was wrong.

To the portion of the email I was sent that says "10 tickets for not tagging our deer in a timely matter. Wow" I reply, in the neck of the woods I hunt in you get a ticket for this when the DNR rolls up and you have a deer hanging with no tag and they let you tag it and still give you a ticket. You had no intention of tagging it until you got caught!


You believe everything you read on the internet to!!!

Also, dont judge to quickly and pass rumors around. I failed to see any tags on the deers pics you posted. But I kept quite in that thread. Yotes must have ate that one. The other pics, sure they could be on the back leg out of view of the camera, but I can't see them. Dont spread rumors untill you know the entire story.

Edited by 92xj
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I just hope there is atleast 8 or so hunters in that camp, because if there is fewer, good chance some of that meat is not going to be used.

As long as everyone had tags and the laws were followed there is nothing wrong with it I dont guess. I just have a hard time believing that they shot all of those deer with the intention of processing them and putting the meat in the freezer.

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Reason: I was contacted personally about the picture and my posting, by someone who is claiming they where there, in this hunting party.


My take is that whoever contacted you can go sit on a certain finger of mine and spin......Honestly I don't care if it was done legally or illegally get a dang clue. How many bucks were hanging? How many does were hanging?

Oh that's right but let me guess the buck to doe ratio was out of wack and somebody needs to kill more bucks right????

wait wait wait I have a better one....The property holds nothing but bucks so that's all they could kill.....

or how about I couldn't see the rack I sure that's a good one for them too......

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After taking a little flack about this here is the link to the local news report on this buck pole. If you read my original post it is exactly what is said here on the news. To save you from having to watch the entire 22 minute video. The story is the last 2-3 minutes of the show.

This was aired on our local WLUC channel 6. On a show called Discovering.

To clear the air. In the end all deer were tagged legally dispite controversy.


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