going on a predator in texas / need new gun !!!

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Re: going on a predator in texas / need new gun !!!

i would go with a .22-250, we have one in a Remington 700, with a heavy barrel, with a 6-18x redfield scope on it, let me tell ya! it drives tacks! extremely accurate gun, popular gun, so you can find ammo anywhere, and the ammo isnt that expensive either. definetly go with the .22-250

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Re: going on a predator in texas / need new gun !!!

You mentioned hogs. If they are big feral pigs I would use a bigger gun than the standard varmit rifle. The other option is to carry a nice varmit caliber as recommended and take a big pistol with you as a side arm.

My own method is to take two rifles or a rifle and a shotgun with slugs and 000 buck.

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