Glasses/Eyesight question


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Well, I think it is that time for me to go and probably get glasses. But I have aquestion that hinges back to a couple of months ago. Shot a doe during archery season, hit her WAY high. Got a shot at a buck about a month ago, 39yds, had my 40 on the bottom of his chest, shot over him, not sure about him ducking or not. Anyways, ahot Sun, and lo and behold, I am hitting about 4" high at 30yds. Could my eyes be doing this, I was dead on before hand. Just trying to figure some stuff out. Thanks

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HAHAHAHAHA, old timer!

Sounds to me like your sight shifted or your peep raised a bit. Don't see how your eyes would have anything to do with it.

Funny, talked to a couple of others that wear glasses, and guess what!!!

Just wait, you'll be there one day to, but you can only hope you look half as good as me when you get my age:yes::yes:

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I'll tell you right now that my groups are better with glasses. I'm nearsighted and can't see that well far off. So if I'm shooting at a dot the size of a dime at 30yds, my groups are going to be a lot better if I can actually see a solid dot as opposed to a blur. :D

That being said, I doubt I would ever be 4 inches off, though.

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