Rocket Ultimate Steel 125 Grain Broadheads........


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I currently use the 100 grain model of these. While they fly like darts out to 70 yards, the 7/8" cutting diameter worries me and I am fairly sure it cost me a GREAT buck last year. Anyways, I want to switch to the 125's because of the added cutting diameter.

Anyone here use them? How do they perform out of your set up? Any reviews and just any tid bit of info would be greatly appreciated!!!!

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Re: Rocket Ultimate Steel 125 Grain Broadheads........

Ditto the what 5shot said.

I have no clue what inserts these heads threads were designed for. The ferrel thread are about 1/8" to 3/16" to short IMO. I never used them due to this.

I went with the Rocket 125 Extreme heads which mirror the thicker .036 blades off the SideWinders but has an all steel ferrel which is smaller. I think you would like them. Real tough and 1.5" cutting dia.

Just a suggestion.

Its my feelings that the short ferrel threads on the BHs you are asking about would worry you like the rest of us. JMO

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Re: Rocket Ultimate Steel 125 Grain Broadheads....

Yeah, I know he has, I have checked it out, and I am here to tell you alot of his stuff does not hold water. Everything he says about the Rocket Ultimate heads are hog wash. I ABUSED the heck out my 100's. I bought 12 of them, 6 were just for testing. The only time I ever lost a blade off of any of my heads was when I shot a concrete cynder block. The tip bent back a little and I lost one blade, one. I shot them through plywood, and metal drums hust as he did. My bow is set at 70 lb. and shoots 280 fps, so there is some force behind the arrow. That being said, the Rockets I tested did far better than what he claimed.

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Re: Rocket Ultimate Steel 125 Grain Broadheads....

Hey bud. I didn't mean to discredit you and I apologize, I did osund very arrogant and rude with my post. However, the heads I have are the newer ones that Trophy Ridge now makes for them and I must tell you, they are head and shoulders above the old ones that had the problems. My losing the animal story isn;t due to head performance per se, it's just a long story lol.

Granted plywood may be soft, but they blew right through the wood and on some occasions smacked a tree behind it with no damage. The only object that broke a blade was shooting a cinder block and heck, an animal bones isn;t anywhere near that strong.

Again, I apologize for sounding pompus in my first post,, sorry!

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Re: Rocket Ultimate Steel 125 Grain Broadheads....

I actually just sold some Rocket Steelhead 100's lol. I am a big fan of mechanicals, don't get me wrong, but my thing is that a lot of the newer style heads will fly just like field tips these days, so I am taking the added advantage of guaranteeing my blades will cut as opposed to hoping with a mechanical.

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