How many people quit deer to hunt ducks


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Well every year I get the it h to duck when the season starts bug I never feel like I get my moneys worth because er never have no amount of ducks here in tn to talk about I was just wondering if anyone else gets the itch I usually get it for a week or two am then when my buddies tell me they ain't killing anything I usually am glad I didn't get started back I quit about 5 yrs ago and when I sold all my stuff I took a big lose and that us why I try and talk myself out of it every year since

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I shot a big body, small rack 6 point early October.This year there was 6 people other than me who had permition to hunt the 40 acer woods.I couldn't be to choosy so I tagged out early this year and I could enjoy my first waterfoul season.No regrets here.Now I got deer,duck,and goose in my freezer.Next year I'm going to try to get permission to hunt a woods that has no one else in it.Deer hunt Monday-Friday,waterfoul hunt Saturday and Sunday.The best of both worlds!

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Never been duck hunting. Lot of people around here get into it. I'd say I hunt alone 90% of the time and with my family / friends 10%. I love deer hunting alone, but see duck hunting as a thing to do with your buddies. Since no one I know duck hunts I've never got into it. In addition it costs a lot to do it right and I'd rather concentrate my efforts and funds on harvesting deer.

I have hunted phesants and quail with hunting buddies and had a lot of fun, but in S. IL one has to go to stocked areas which costs a lot which takes some of the fun out of it.

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I hunt both A LOT.

Rivers and ridges man, that's what I live for...funny you mention that, I'll be in the duck blind and think "Maaan, woulda been an awesome night in the stand.", and when I'm in the tree sometimes I think "wow, what a great night on the river I'd be." But fact is, just being out is awesome!

I bowhunt more than anything else now, but I get after waterfowl too, they are my two favorites. I have a GREAT bird dog which makes it so much more enjoyable. If he sees me leave the house in camo and I leave him behind it breaks his heart lol, so I try to balance it out. But I deer hunt now more than anything else, if I didn't bowhunt it would probably be opposite.

Edited by MNcrittergittr
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Quit deer hunting 5 years ago and I don't regret it at all. Deer hunting in WI has become a joke anyhow thanks to our useless DNR and their brilliant herd control methods. Glad I don't waste my money or time on that crap anymore. They sure are tasty though, but I can't butcher them I am very allergic - found out the hard way.

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Why would anyone give up deer hunting to go duck hunting. I hunt a lot of different animals. Ducks are probably on the bottom.


Sounds like you never had a great duck hunt before.Duck hunting is more fun with 3 to 5 of your friends.You can pick on each other and cut up and still hunt.Watching a duck dog do there job is as enjoyable as shootin the birds.To each there own.Hunt both.

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i gave up duck hunting many years ago, i had alot invested in the sport, like 5 dozon decoys, calls ect, but got tired of being in the rain sleet and cold, and they had a point limit on the ducks you could take, i just figured i just as soon sit in a deer stand, one deer makes up alot more than the few ducks you could kill in a day .

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Sounds like you never had a great duck hunt before.Duck hunting is more fun with 3 to 5 of your friends.You can pick on each other and cut up and still hunt.Watching a duck dog do there job is as enjoyable as shootin the birds.To each there own.Hunt both.

I don't want to criticize any one elses sport but I have always thought duck hunting was a lazy mans sport. You ride out to you blind in a boat. Throw out a few decoys and your dog does all the running. When I hunt birds it's pheasents and grouse for me. At the end of the day walking through thick woods or tall grass I'm beat. Plus I think my heart gets a good workout too.

So to each his own I guess. I'm glad someone likes to hunts ducks. All wildlife needs to be managed.


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I don't want to criticize any one elses sport but I have always thought duck hunting was a lazy mans sport. You ride out to you blind in a boat. Throw out a few decoys and your dog does all the running. When I hunt birds it's pheasents and grouse for me. At the end of the day walking through thick woods or tall grass I'm beat. Plus I think my heart gets a good workout too.

So to each his own I guess. I'm glad someone likes to hunts ducks. All wildlife needs to be managed.


Wow, that's not the way it is at all. Waterfowling can be a lot of work! When I duck hunt I get up about an hour and a half before I would if I was going deer hunting. I don't get in until long after I would have either. Hooking the boat up, loading everything up, setting everything up, adjusting for conditions, slugging through cement-like muck, breaking ice, the list goes on, then packing everything all up to do it all again. I'm tellin ya, it can beat ya up. I wouldn't call it lazy.

Not everybody uses a dog either, and those who do often have countless hours of year round training and work invested with their four legged huntin buddies. It's a special thing to watch a good gun dog do their what they love.

And lets be honest here, if we are talking about "lazy" hunting, deer hunting can fall under that category (especially for some people). Not for everyone, especially those who consider it a year round pursuit, food plots, cameras, hundreds of hours in the stand etc it can be a lot of work (that we love). But deer huntig can be pretty uncomplicted.

Anyway, just wanted to offer another point of view.

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