Whats your Favorite Weird Buck???


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Re: Whats your Favorite Weird Buck???

Don't know how wierd this is but I shot a 4 pt. this year with his left antler pointing all the forward and the right antler pointing all the way backward. Looked like the steering mechanism on a backhoe. grin.gif

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Re: Whats your Favorite Weird Buck???

While small game hunting a couple autumns ago, saw a small buck, 6 pointer maybe, and I'm telling you, the main beam curved so much, it looked like each main beam curved at a 90 degree angle. That's about as interesting as I've seen. Oh yeah, the bow buck I got this year is pretty interesting also. you can see from the pic below how the one side of his rack is kind of funky. I think it is because his one hoof/ankle was really deformed and he had like half a hoof.


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Re: Whats your Favorite Weird Buck???

This is a buck my buddy got a few years back. He was kinda strange looking, considering he was 31/2 years old or older. He too had a couple of really bad injuries to two legs.


Here's a weird one for ya. I found this one on the internet a few years back. His name is Curly ...Pretty strange looking.


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Re: Whats your Favorite Weird Buck???

i watched a buckmasters last night and jackie bushman shot the wierdest buck i had seen to date he had one good side and the other was a single tine and then all around the base of the head and all over the lower part of the rack it had points every where and it was the coolest as it looked like a drop tine off one side of the head and the other drop tine off the good side of the rack it was way cool

rob k

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Re: Whats your Favorite Weird Buck???


Don't know how wierd this is but I shot a 4 pt. this year with his left antler pointing all the forward and the right antler pointing all the way backward. Looked like the steering mechanism on a backhoe. grin.gif

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I've seen that before too but it was an 8 point killed at our club about 10 years ago. The picture is in our photo album at our camp.

My favorite is a big NT that a friend of mine killed on December 30, 2004. It's a 19 point (10x9) that he nicknamed Woody. This buck has a 30" outside spread, 25" inside spread, has 4 drop tines, great mass and good tine length. He scores 231 gross and 228 net B&C nontypical and he killed it with his recurve. It's my favorite because of the history behind the deer and I was fortunate to be able to share the anguish and elation he went through hunting that deer. He missed it at 20 yards catching a deflection on a hunt a couple of days before he killed it. He has 2 years of pictures and video footage of this buck. I believe the story will be in Outdoor Life, North American Whitetail Magazine and 2 other magazines this coming year. I do have pictures of the buck while he was alive, including 1 from 2003 and glory pictures right after the kill but it's his buck and I wouldn't feel right posting pictures here until after the story is published. Sorry.

BTW if any of you are going to the Iowa Deer Classic next month, Woody's 1st public exposure will be there. The taxidermist promised to have him ready for that show. wink.gif

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Re: Whats your Favorite Weird Buck???

This buck shot by Mike Lawler in Northwest Wisconsin in early October, 2003. 21 points, gross 192". I thought it was pretty cool because I was able to help drag it out and take the pictures. It has 5 points on side (and a broken droptine), and 16 points (three main beams) on the opposite side. He now has this buck, along with a few of his others mounted in his dentist office.


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Re: Whats your Favorite Weird Buck???

Here's the buck I shot on opening morning 2002. It just got light and I heard some deer coming from behind from the bean field going to bed. I turned and looked and seen five deer. There were three does and a six point and this one odd buck. As they came in I intended on letting them pass since neither bucks had alot of antler and it was opening mornimg...but this buck just had to walk right under my stand and let me see all of his kickers. I knew there were at least ten points, so then I decided to shoot. He walked out and quartered and I made a good hit. He did a half circle and actually cut back some toward the stand and dropped, but still fighting to stay alive. I had another arrow knocked and ranged to the buck...31 yards and he was laying broadside. As I was debating putting another shot in him, I heard another deer coming to my right. My jaw DROPPED as I saw this suuuper wide perfect 8 pointer walking right in front of my stand at only 15 yards!!! This buck was watching the buck I shot and paced back and forth three times right in front of me!!! I could have nailed this wide racked buck SOOOOO EASILY, but not legally, so I just enjoyed watching him. Now, remember it's Oct 1st.....this wide buck circles in front of my buck, which is now very near expiring, and stares at him....loweres his head.....and CHARGES my buck crashing his antlers just as if it was peak rut!!! AWESOME!! The buck rams mine three times and my buck tries hard to get up, takes one step and falls dead. The big buck stands there for a few moments staring at my buck, snifffs him, and trots off to where the does went to bed. My buck has a mainframe 8 point rack, kinda, but a total of 14 points and one VERY fresh broken off tine that I looked for where the other buck charged him but couldn't find it. What a morning!! A good shot on a good buck and a monster buck fighting my downed buck!! smirk.gif255632.jpg

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