RangerClay Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 New York State - A Place to Move away from!:bang: I'll second that motion. :stupid: Over-taxed, too much government, almost no individual freedoms, and surrounded by Liberals. Ugh! :wacko: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GWSmith Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 I'll second that motion. :stupid: Over-taxed, too much government, almost no individual freedoms, and surrounded by Liberals. Ugh! :wacko: Agreed... Now to be fair...The Outdoors in some of New York State is beyond description in it's beauty, the deer herd(good), and other wildlife are abundant as well. The only problem is that the Adult Doe have PHD's in Education and they start training their fawns early...LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Texan_Til_I_Die Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 I like Texas a lot, but I don't think it rates a 10, mainly because of the weather and fireants. Summer can be a killer, and I've yet to find any use at all for fireants. Feral hogs are bad too, but at least they make good targets. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
camoman1 Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 I thought it would be interesting to see how people rate the state they live in. Lets do it on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being it real BAD and 10 being Great! I live in Wisconsin and I would rate it a 2 at best. It is a tax hole in every way, all of the taxes are very very high from property taxes, to gas taxes to payroll taxes. They are the only state in the Union that is not going to follow the Federal law to allow for the conversion of traditional IRA's to a Roth IRA. The government officials are VERY anti gun, there is a lot of corruption at all levels of government. The job climate is terrible and the jobs that are here pay quite a bit less than similar jobs in neighboring states. The climate stinks as the winters are very long and very cold. So, what does the state have going for it? Well not much except for its natural resources. It is a very pretty place to live with lots of diversity in scenery and wildlife so it is a great place to live if you are into hunting, fishing or the outdoors. (Although this state even charges you for access to state parks and to launch your boat at public boat ramps etc...) As I said it is nothing but tax tax tax, everything and anything possible. But for pure midwest beauty you can't beat Wisconsin. Except for Milwaukee which is nothing but a festering pus-dripping sore on the butt of the planet. Milwaukee is just a mini-me of Detroit, the whole city should be plowed under and left to rot. So now, tell me about your state. Ummm...yep thats about it right there. If it wasnt for the hunting and fishing, WI wouldnt have much going for it I dont think. Dont get me wrong, I love where I live, but it could definately be better around here..... I like the four seasons...but winter does seem to keep a strong grip around here lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jbeck Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 Pa is a 2 and only because i am in a good mood this morning! I think your being optomistic with a 2, you realize our full time reps in Harrisburg still don't have a budget yet. Heck most states have part time Reps and they get budgets and laws passed by april. They realize that they don't have enough money for all the things they do, so instead of giving back perks and pay raises they've given themselves, they cut programs that help people that pay taxes to the state. that causes job losses, that means less taxes paid to the state, that means less money, that means more programs being cut. I had good hunting, ran QDM on my property for 8 years, now the state decided they would take care of things, then the state started dumping bears off at the large track of state ground beside the house. They failed to tell the bears they belonged to the state and therefore had to remain on state ground. We then allow hunters to take way to many doe to reduce the herds, the bears didn't get doe tags but continue to take as many as possible. Coyotes also fail to follow the laws put into place by our representatives ( the ones that didn't get a budget ). I'd say Pa rates about a 1, this is only because Rendall can't run again next year. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wtnhunt Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 Think this state has a lot of potential to be better than what it is, therefore I give it a 4. We have pretty high state taxes. Our roads are better than many states. Schools are not so great, but are improving in some ways while not improving in others, fortunate for us our kids are in one of the better school systems in the area. Our liberal government here continues to waste and mismanage money, promises our worthless governor made to improve healthcare and education have not been kept. Wildlife here is fair, deer quality could be a lot better if the state would do a better job of evaluating the herd and get more aggressive with management and I don't mean implementing more liberal limits on does where they are being over hunted. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jm23494 Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 I'd give PA a 3. It gets 1 point for the turkey hunting, 1 point for having the Pittsburgh Penguins and 1 point because we don't have tsunamis or malaria here. Other than that........the weather sucks, the state gov't. sucks, the roads suck, the job environment sucks....... Pennsylvania just sucks. If only we could annex off Pittsburgh and Philly to someone else we might have a good state. Until then we are stuck with a lazy governor who uses state workers job's for ransom to get what he wants for him and his cronies. Oh and did I mention the corruption trials that we have going on for several other politicians? I think a 3 is being nice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ryan1990 Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 I give Oklahoma a 9. The only thing that keeps it from being a 10 is our neighbors to the South . But seriously, I love it here! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mossyhorn Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 I cant speak for western ky but as for the east....we have a bad prblem with presciption pills. I really could walk out the door and buy some with in 10 minutes. Seems more and more people are going on the draw and then selling there pain meds for their so called injury. Meth was something you used to hear about a lot. Not so much anymore. As for hunting, a good buck is few and far. Most people shoot at anything and will not let them grow. Seems like our ratio is way off with does out weighing buck by far. And poachers are everywhere. Most people seem to just be waiting for a car wreck so they can sue. It seems there like we are behind the rest of the nation. I am an A+ certified computer tech. I can find a job doing computers around here. Seems if you done work in coal you are going to struggle to get by and now even the coal companies are in trouble. But with all that going against us I am still proud of where I am from. Schools are top notch. If you move to the right place you don't have to worry about being around drugs. Although I am right beside US 23 I love the small community I live in. We just got a new sheriff who really seems to want to clean this county up. In all I would give Eastern Ky a 4. This area has a lot of growing up to do. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
csimon Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 It's Texas...............need I say more?!?!? It's a sure enough 10!! I love it here. AMEN!!!!:yes: I give Oklahoma a 9. The only thing that keeps it from being a 10 is our neighbors to the South . But seriously, I love it here! don't you mean to the east. lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adjam5 Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 Well I live pretty close to NYC. 40 miles north. I see everything that would turn off a country person in a hot second. Noise, Traffic, crowds, crime , ridiculous taxes, rude people...the list goes on and on. I rate NYS a 4. We can still own certain types of semi auto rifles...AR's AK's ect albeit with magazine restrictions. So far. The hunting is OK, hunting/fishing license fees are getting way out of hand. The NYSDEC commish job is a appointed position. So the decisions made are usually politically charged. They need to lower the hunting age for youth in NYS. I cannot wait to retire and move to the Hill country of Texas. 10 more years to get to a hunter friendly/ gun friendly/ overall friendly state. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hungry hunter Posted December 16, 2009 Report Share Posted December 16, 2009 Florida, currently I would give her a 6, if ya took all the big city folks and their attitudes and sent them back them the score would go up. Great fishing, the hunting could use improvement. Most of country folks will still give ya the shirt off their back. The weather well I don't complain. The job market is like every where else, down in the dumps. Taxes are out of control or as I refer to them as "Organized, Legalized, Extortion". Actually considered moving to Montana or Wyoming, Idaho, But wife wants a climate controlled indoor roping areana. that ain't happining. So if ya visit and are on the gulf coast, and the boat ain't broke (currently working) we will go fishing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fly Posted December 16, 2009 Report Share Posted December 16, 2009 No one wants to rate IL.????? Well our past Governors are or should be in prison. The state will not pay the public univerisites the taxpayer money they "borrowed" which means my monthly paycheck is on a month to month basis (honestly, no kidding here folks). The state will be increasing fees for permits and a ton of other stuff next year (likely the money payed by sportsmen will be "borrowed" for other stuff and the DNR will not see any of it). We have big whitetail deer and EVERYBODY knows about it making it near impossible to gain permission to hunt without a high dollar lease. No wild trout fishing. No big game other than deer. We do have the four seasons and the deciduous Shawnee National Forest. We also have some local DNR folks that I think a lot of so I'll give it a "2" currently. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
layin on the smackdown Posted December 16, 2009 Report Share Posted December 16, 2009 No one wants to rate IL.????? We have big whitetail deer and EVERYBODY knows about it making it near impossible to gain permission to hunt without a high dollar lease. We do have the four seasons and the deciduous Shawnee National Forest. We also have some local DNR folks that I think a lot of so I'll give it a "2" currently. Well said Frank...But you forgot one thing...we have this thing, its one of the largest in our country, and it should be considered its own state...Its called Chicago... I love the countryside that Illinois has to offer, and the hunting is great....but its only great if you have a place to hunt, and like stated above, it ain't gettin any easier to come by. I'll give it a 3. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hunt or be Hunted Posted December 16, 2009 Report Share Posted December 16, 2009 No one wants to rate IL.????? Well our past Governors are or should be in prison. The state will not pay the public univerisites the taxpayer money they "borrowed" which means my monthly paycheck is on a month to month basis (honestly, no kidding here folks). The state will be increasing fees for permits and a ton of other stuff next year (likely the money payed by sportsmen will be "borrowed" for other stuff and the DNR will not see any of it). We have big whitetail deer and EVERYBODY knows about it making it near impossible to gain permission to hunt without a high dollar lease. No wild trout fishing. No big game other than deer. We do have the four seasons and the deciduous Shawnee National Forest. We also have some local DNR folks that I think a lot of so I'll give it a "2" currently. Well said Fly. but I'm gonna have to give it a 2 with you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeramie Posted December 16, 2009 Report Share Posted December 16, 2009 I personally give Oklahoma an 8 * Even with the Economy our Unemployment has been at 7%. * We have good to great hunting with a ton of different animals. We have good to great whitetail and incredible numbers, antelope, elk (draw only), bear (New season), Incredible duck numbers, yotes, bobcats, etc.... * Fishing is second to none. Oklahoma is a truly good fishing state with a VERY diverse fish population. * We are a RED state. * Bible Belt, and people typically act like it. Oklahoma is a very polite state and a good place to live. * Very diverse state from Large Cities to thousands of acres of bare land. We also have a LOT of public hunting. I have over 72,249 acres of core land/ water ways not 5 miles from my house. That doesnt include State Government regualted land. * Cost of living is very mild. My house, 12 acres, a barn, and fully functional detached apartment cost me $112,000. I could go on. Im pretty happy with Oklahoma. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grant-KS Posted December 16, 2009 Report Share Posted December 16, 2009 Kansas... +Not a whole lot to see here, but Kansas wheat harvest with its millions of acres of golden wheat can't be beat. +Lots of deer everywhere, and big bucks. - Because of big bucks, can't really get permission to hunt much of anywhere decent without getting out your checkbook and signing away your life. + Beautiful women. + Pretty lax gun laws overall. Open carry, Concealed carry, pretty much anything but NFA items with no permits. + Fuel prices generally lower than many other areas + Lots of small towns, but enough larger cities for easy shopping, etc. + Around here, we wave. To everyone. Keep it that way. + Winters are cold and summers are hot, but not too far to either extreme. + We don't have hurricanes or enormous tidal waves. - We have tornadoes + Just about everyone in the country has at least one gun somewhere, and we use them. + Everyone knows everyone, and if you don't, you get to know them. Overall I think I'd give the state a 9. I love it here! There are some things I wish we'd have like mountains, and more woods, etc., but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
davetucker Posted December 16, 2009 Report Share Posted December 16, 2009 maine!! -1 !! The hunting used to be good and now is extremly sucky!! We need a new state bioligist who got more than a c grade in college!!This state has a high unemployment rate and high taxes!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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