Besides hunting...


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What are some of your favorite things? I like Big trucks like the Mack Granite and Kenworth T-2000, vintage tractors, the Farmall Cub from the 40's is my personal favorite. Great Danes, they are wicked cool dogs. Victorian houses, ATV's and heavy earthmoving equipment. I am not at all into video games, watching TV, playing cards or going to the movies or watching movies on DVD or video, they bore me to death!!! What do you all like and not like outside of hunting?

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Things not related to hunting would include...


1. fly fishing

2. riding wooden roller coasters with my kids at Six Flags

3. electric train sets

4. playing the bag pipes

5. country and Christmas music


1. reading for enjoyment (I do like reading to learn)

2. any ride at Six Flags that spins (yes even the tea cups)

3. stopping for a slow moving train

4. red beats

5. the music my wife listens to (Indigo girls and such)

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I have to agree that getting dirt under your fingernails is very therapeutic and if I could make a go of it as a farmer I would in a heart beat. I enjoy fishing and do not do near enough of it. Hiking is probably the most enjoyed of my non hunting activities, followed by reading, and building projects around the house. Before my back surgery, and to some extent after it, weightlifting was also a passion of mine.

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Really every thing I do revolves arounding hunting in some way. Reloading, target shooting, archery, making turkey calls, etc. The only other thing I really enjoy is wood working, I love to build stuff. Then again that comes back to hunting... building tower blinds, sheds to house my hunting stuff, etc.

I guess just hunting!:D

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i love my baby my 09 rubicon, my 750 honda shadow with vance and hines sounds so pretty,, i love sports absolutly love sports and take pride is being good at everysport that i play,, i was born to be an athlete,, i love bon fires in the summer,, wakeboarding in the summer and being the first one on the river where the water is smooth as glass,, i love feeling the cold on my face,, makes me feel like brett farve at lambo...I love wrestling with my brother and whoop on him b/c i know someday he's gonna be whooping on me,,i love riding horses and i love to eat junk food,, thats about it :)

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It's funny how one's likes and dislikes or hobbies change as you age. I used to love muscle cars and tinkering on old vehicles before my kids were born. I used to own horses and loved working as a weekend farmer and riding when I could. I used to have model trains and enjoyed being creative in layouts and detailing things to be realistic. I used to golf, but rarely do anymore. All these things were just fads I was going through I guess.

The one thing that's remained constant for me, is sharing time with my family, at whatever activity I could muster. I have 3 grandkids now and enjoy spending time with them. All of my avtivities since my kids and grandkids were born evolve around my family now.


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I love riding my 4 wheeler. Also love spending time just walking out in the woods to let my dog run. Love spending time with my girlfriend. Also used to love to snowmobile in the backcountry. Figured out pretty quick that it was goin to be too expensive after i burned up one cylinder got it fixed and then the next time i rode it i burned up the whole motor.

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I enjoy riding my motorcycle when I get the time. It is the similar to hunting, being out by yourself and enjoying it. I also like to build things from the ground up. My dad and I built a big shed this summer and still are working on it. Something about starting from nothing and working up I guess.

I also love going out to my grandparents farm/ranch to help them out and spend time with them. I love hearing stories from my grandpa about things he used to do and they way they used to be.

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I am very much into motorcycles and martial arts. Here is my list of likes and dislikes aside from family


1) Motorcycles (Harley Davidson's)

2) Martial Arts

3) Keeping my lawn nice


1) Getting caught in bad weather 5 hrs from home on a bike

2) Surgery to repair martial arts injuries (Will have surgery number 4 within a year...)

3) Trying to mow when the lawn is too wet because of our crappy weather in northern NY

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My likes which I don't have much time for right now, because of school and having two shoulder surgeries over the last three years.


Boyscouts and camping with my son.

3_D archery tournaments (shoulders are better now, come on Janruary)

Deep Sea fishing/Pier fishing

Piddling in the garage with my stuff

Reloading ammo


School taking up to much of my time

Crappy weather not letting me outside

Not enough time to do things with my family

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While it is very closely related to hunting I am a total rifle looney. I sleep eat and drink thinking about rifles. I do a lot of custom gun work myself. I reload and I'm always tinkering with new loads. I easily fire 2000 rounds of ammo every year, and it is not just spray and pray semi auto fire. For fun and for a challenge I shoot at red coated asprin tablets at 100 yards.

Even the emoticon I use for posts is a smiley shooting a rifle.


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Baseball has always been my other passion besides deer and turkeys. I hung up my spikes two years ago after deciding juco baseball wasn't what I wanted to do, but I still stay close to the game by umpiring. Umpire tournaments from March through September. Not bad money either. Also stay close to the game by practicing with my brothers.

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