Your BIGGEST fear...seriously.


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What is your number one BIGGEST fear, the thing that you dread most and causes you the most worry of anything. Mine is DEBT!!! I aviod it like the plague and I worry all the time that I will someday be in a lot of debt. It scares the beegeebies out of me.

umm if something were to happen to my family,, i don't have kids but if i did it would be if something happend to them,, umm i have another one when i die i don't want my funeral to be empty i want to influence people in some manner

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I don't have kids yet, and there are a ton of things that i would never want to happen to my family...however, i think this question was asking something not regarding the obvious - such as family etc.

I have fallen through ice plenty of times in my life, but never gone under it.

My number one biggest fear is falling through ice and being able to see through it but not being able to find my way out. For some reason, the thought of that scares the living crap out of me.

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