Bad day...


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My morning started off bad... left my house and had to wait 30 minutes for a train that stopped with it's last car across the road. Needless to say I didn't get to my stand before sunrise. Got to the farm, usually drive down a lane, couldn't due to 14+ inches of snow Wednesday, had to hike it in. Got to timber and saw some does. 20 minutes later had other guys walk in on me. Later heard some shooting, got exciting had 8 does come in within 50 yards herded up pretty tight. Took aim, shot, they all stood still- apparently I missed- not sure why/how. Took my muzzleloader, should have had my shotgun. Late moring when hiking back out, ended up having a couple of guys following behind me. They ended up walking out of the farm- not supposed to be on the property- it's a family that thinks they can go and do whatever they want.

I think my wife jinxed me- she really doesn't care for my hunting. Hopefully tomorrow's better.

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Took aim, shot, they all stood still- apparently I missed- not sure why/how.

I am assuming you followed up on your shot and looked really good to make sure you didn't hit one of the does. (blood, etc)

Sounds like you need to report some trespassers, if indeed they are not allowed in there.

Sorry about your luck, but it sounds like a nice white day. :)

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