Disposable snow camo-$1/pr


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Don't want to spend big bucks on expensive winter patterns you may only use a few times a year? When my son was born the hospital gave me a pair of lightweight white coveralls to put on in the delivery room. My mind immediately shifted to using them this winter as snow camo so I saved them.:)

I wear my heavy garments (fall petterns) then pop these over top. Only problem- no pockets and "semi transparent" with dark clothing underneath but sure get the job done compared to the brown blob on white background. I've used one pair so far for the past 2 weeks every day and I'm just getting ready to toss them now.

Just thought I'd pass this along. 25 pair for $26

Figured some of you would get a lifetime of snow hunts out of a case without breaking the bank on pricey winter clothing. Bet it wouldn't be so painful to paint some sticks and limbs on them either if need be.:yes:



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What material are they made from? Are they quiet?

Polypropylene if that helps...? Didn't help me none.

They are no fleece when it comes to quiet being scratched by brush but I can tell you I consider them bow hunt quiet when the fabric rubs itself durring movement. Probably the best comparison I can come up with is material about equal to a sanitary wipe you would get at a restaurant but dry and tougher. A sort of quilted woven fabric.

Not very resistant to tear in the thickets but what do you expect for a buck. The zippers aren't to hot either but if your priority is white concealment....?


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That is a good idea Matt.

I use Tyvek suits when hunting in the snow. I get them from work. They keep the wind out and the heat in. Maybe a bit too much though. I need to unzip the neck area for heat escape. They are a bit noisy to walk with. So I put it on when I get there over my clothes.

I have had people walk right past me and never even know I was there. Good camo for sure.

Picture not to hi jack...just to share on topic with snow camo.


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Those are nice Anthony, I'll be giving them a look. They'll definately see a good amount of use.

On a side note, have noticed lately deer aren't as spooked by the white even when bumped and often stop to look back.

Had a young buck at 6 feet the other day from the ground I thought was gonna sniff my boot sole. I don't think I would have gotten away with that in conventional camo.:)

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