Another good day.


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Could have been better though. Should have had 4 for sure my buddy missed 2 easy ones. It happens with these darn things. Anyways called in 4 or 5 and scratched out two. I got one my buddy got the other. We saw a dozen or more but the dogs were being pretty cold to the call. Just one of those days. :bang:


Edited by WaCoyote
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congrats!!! looks like some nice haired critters to!!the past 2 weekends they were calling slow, [think a bit scared with deer hunting just over and a new bounty on them, ] I decided last friday i starting to use the howler a bit earlier this year, just the idea of another coyote in the area picked them right up, 29 coyotes in the truck in th epast 4 days[2 weekends] 2 mangy ones and 3 wounded ones, the majority of the howles were just start out a stand with a couple yips and a greetng howl, then turn to the side and give another quick greeting howl, , start the distress in about 2 minutes and add the odd bark in the sequence to make it sound like a coyote not another caller, I did have to use a callange last night, had a pack yipping 1/2 mile away, I started to challange, then the male challanged me and we went back and forth on a ego trip lol, they did not come in but had 3 wandering in slowly and only one got in range by dark, pretty sure without the howler I would of had less then 10 in the past 2 weeks, also don'e forget the pup distress got me at least 7 bonus coyotes te past 2 weekends!!

good luck congrats on the puppies!!!!!!!!!!!

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I start every single stand with a howl. Then a distress of some sort, lately it's been Raccoons. Then I'll mix in some yips, then full fledged pup in distress to finish.

I don't use challenges until I get challenged, then I wait and throw in pup in distress. that doesn't always close the deal but it does quite often.

Sounds like you and I have similar styles. I like the old fawn bawls but when that gets cold (right now) I go more with sounds that just plain piss them off.

I sure wish I had the population you have. I just can't believe the ammount of dogs you knock off. 20-40 a season is good for me.

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  WaCoyote said:
Could have been better though. Should have had 4 for sure my buddy missed 2 easy ones. It happens with these darn things. Anyways called in 4 or 5 and scratched out two. I got one my buddy got the other. We saw a dozen or more but the dogs were being pretty cold to the call. Just one of those days. :bang:


tired of watching coyotes scaring off deer. Going to hunt them. Have a .17 HMR but from what i've been reading it's too small. Has anyone tried the new "Fireball".17 caliber on them? I also read that .223 leave exit holes too large for the taxidermist. Can someone help?? What did you use for the two you got??

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I use a .223 or a 220 swift. The one I got was with a .223 the other was with a 22-250.

.17 Fireball is good but .223 will not necesarily blow up a yote. Depends on the bullet and if you hit bone. You may even want to look at the .204. My .223 has worked pretty well this year but it did damage this one due to a spine hit. Actually both of these got tore up pretty badly. It happens.

If your calling you'll get a lot of frontal shots. .223, 22-250, 220 swift with appropriate ammo will do no pelt damage on a frontal with a square hit.

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  sureshot said:
congrats!!! looks like some nice haired critters to!!the past 2 weekends they were calling slow, [think a bit scared with deer hunting just over and a new bounty on them, ] I decided last friday i starting to use the howler a bit earlier this year, just the idea of another coyote in the area picked them right up, 29 coyotes in the truck in th epast 4 days[2 weekends] 2 mangy ones and 3 wounded ones, the majority of the howles were just start out a stand with a couple yips and a greetng howl, then turn to the side and give another quick greeting howl, , start the distress in about 2 minutes and add the odd bark in the sequence to make it sound like a coyote not another caller, I did have to use a callange last night, had a pack yipping 1/2 mile away, I started to challange, then the male challanged me and we went back and forth on a ego trip lol, they did not come in but had 3 wandering in slowly and only one got in range by dark, pretty sure without the howler I would of had less then 10 in the past 2 weeks, also don'e forget the pup distress got me at least 7 bonus coyotes te past 2 weekends!!

good luck congrats on the puppies!!!!!!!!!!!

"EGO TRIP" yer killin me!!!!!! lmao :clap: :toot: :D

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