KY and all its guns


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Man I hate this time of year. Bow hunters really dont stand a chance in Ky. I dont muzzleload even though we have 2 seasons. One before modern gun and one right after. Seems like when these season come in the woods are packed with orange. All of the time spent scouting deer, planning the hunts out, trying to get a good pattern on deer just all fall apart on you. There is far to much pressure in the woods to know where the deer will move, it all just boils down to dumb luck. Everyone just walks around hoping to jump a deer and take a shot moving or not. I need to find a land lease or something.

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I guess its worse in some places than others. Around here it isnt too bad, but it definitely has an effect. I always dread the gun season because all the people around us shoot whatever walks out in front of them, whether its a spike, 4 pointer, or a 50 pound doe. I passed a little buck here on our farm in bow season, and then on opening weekend the neighbor shot him. Makes me mad, but there is nothing I can do about it. The weekend before gun season is my favorite time to bow hunt because the rut is knocking on the door, but the gun hunters havn't swarmed the woods.

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I feel ya brother,it's not real bad where I hunt but I can't wait for gun season to be over with every year. I used to love it but since I have not gun hunted much the last 5 or so years I am ready for it to be over. I wish it was like Ohio, shotgons and ml only during firearms season, this would make it a little better. Oh yea, no online ml either.

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sounds like you are hunting puplic land mossyhorn, ive hunted puplic land before, and ive found the trick is to get as far back in there as you can, and let the other hunters push the deer to you, ive also found out that alot of them will go to their trucks for lunck pushing deer in the middle of the day, you just have to hang in there and things should work out for you getting one with a bow.

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