Have You Lied On This Forum?


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well i will tell you this on your questions, if you would have asked me that when i was about 16, i would say im guilty of all, but when you get cought and it cost you dearly you wont do a thing thats not right, as for lying on the forums never... i tell the truth, im not here to try and impress anyone by trying to make myself out to be something im not. or better than i am.

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Well I wasn't gonna post in this thread, but reading kinda made me mad. The fact that you are accusing all of us of being fake on this forum is downright wrong and I think you are just trying to stir something up.

As for your original post, I think all of us have bent the rules a little as far as shooting a few minutes early. I know there has been a time like Tominator said where all check stations were closed and we butchered the deer and never checked it in. Yes I have trespassed to recover deer or walk into a stand in order to have a better route to the stand. However, I don't think anyone on here as ever claimed to be perfect or be a perfect hunter. The fact that you have traveled and had experiences with unethical or illegal hunters does not mean you can generalize it to the entire hunting community. That is what PETA and other anti-hunting groups do in order to try to give all hunters a bad name. They take bad examples and generalize and get people to believe them. As a hunter, you should be ashamed of yourself for generalizing this to all hunters because of the reason I stated above.

Another example of the fact that people don't claim to be a saint is look at the deer hunting threads where people have lost deer. They aren't lying. I had 2 occasions this year where I lost deer and posted about both of them on here telling people what I did and what I think I did wrong. I know I made a poor shot choice and I learned from it. Things like that are how young hunters who are on here learn about hunting and ethics. My dad always taught me to wait for a good shot angle and I got excited and took the shot on a bad angle.

As for answering your questions, I'm not going to but I will say that yes, I have done taken a shot a little before or after shooting light and I will leave it at that.

Again, I think you have had some bad hunting experiences and I'm sorry for that, but I don't think you should apply it to all hunters based on your experiences alone.

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  Stinger-Hunter said:
Turkeygirl, irregardless is not a word. :rockon:

got news for you oh wise one , it is a word


Main Entry: ir·re·gard·less

Pronunciation: \ˌir-i-ˈgärd-ləs\

Function: adverb

Etymology: probably blend of irrespective and regardless

Date: circa 1912

nonstandard : regardless

usage Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that “there is no such word.” There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

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You know I knew it was a word but I wasn't going to say anything, you know, trying to be nice.

Actually Turkeygirl, for a college student, I am very disappointed that you used such a word because according to my handy dandy dictionary below...

"USAGE Irregardless, with its illogical negative prefix, is widely heard, perhaps arising under the influence of such perfectly correct forms as : irrespective. Irregardless is avoided by careful users of English. Use regardless to mean 'without regard or consideration for' or 'nevertheless': : I go walking every day regardless of season or weather."

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  buckee said:
got news for you oh wise one , it is a word


  buckee said:
Hey, if it's in the dictionary, it's a word...EH! :yes: There are thousands of slang words in the dictionary, but just because they are slang, doesn't mean they don't count as words, however inappropriate they may sound. :).

you got owned again!!! that makes three times i would give up if i were you,, your no good at this game:hammer1::bang::bang:

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Listen here TSBH and Stinger....I don't give a crap! I more so meant irrelevant and instead came up with irregardless....my bad. We all make mistakes...and for telling me your dissapointed because I'm a college student....guess what, no one is perfect.

You two need to take a happy pill and get off people's backs like mine!

Now can we lock this thread already.

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