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Supposedly the dropping of the antlers is related to the bucks hormones...I think they start shedding when the hormones drop, so if the rut ended early last year, that could be why. Also weather as well...I think really harsh cold weather can play a part...but more so the hormones play the biggest role. Also injured deer will shed early...I know this from personal experience!

How did you find out one has shed already...trail cam?

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Supposedly the dropping of the antlers is related to the bucks hormones...I think they start shedding when the hormones drop, so if the rut ended early last year, that could be why. Also weather as well...I think really harsh cold weather can play a part...but more so the hormones play the biggest role. Also injured deer will shed early...I know this from personal experience!

How did you find out one has shed already...trail cam?

No he comes out in my back yard every day. Got trail cam pic. at 10:00am with both and that evening came out with 1 side then next day lost the other in back yard.

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I had a friend of mine pick up a match set last year on Christmas Eve day. They started shedding early last year, but that could have been due to such a brutal start to winter up here. I have seen deer carry them all the way into march, and i have also seen them with nothing on their head on the last day of bow season. I think its different with every deer. There are so many underlying circumstances that may cause a deer to shed early...weather, wounded, lack of nutrients, maturity, testosterone etc. One of my best friends shot what he thought was a giant doe last year on the last day of the season...it was a 45 yrd shot, and when he walked up to it, it had to empty spots where it had already shed...sometime you just never know.

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That is why I hate the late season for shotgun season for Illinois because it is antlerless and deer have shed some already. So the doe that you think you are shooting is actually a monster buck that shed his horns. They should make it at the start of season and even then it would be tough because of fawns. I just dont like it because the big boys that you think will be there next year got smoked on an antlerless hunt! Sad!

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