Forum Members Meet in NC.


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Here are a few pics from when Hammerforged and I met...

Over a glass of Iced Tea I learned more about knives than I ever knew before...


Then Ross suprised me with the most beautiful Christmas gift made by his own hands...


For hours we talked about everthing and walked around the store looking like kids at Christmas...ok..Old Guys...LOL


Then I learned the finer points of how to catch a few winks while fishing from the master:D


Ross trying out The Warmbag...


LOL...and here's the "Bass Pro Shops Review" we did just before we shook hands and went our separate ways home. I know for me it was like meeting a friend I've known all my life and everyone I've talked with about Ross says the same thing!


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Sorry guys, my computer was down for a few days and getting fixed.

Looks like you 2 had a great time, and it was really great getting that call Gary, and getting a chance to talk to Ross. Really cool. :):)

Hey Ross, my wife thinks Gary and I were separated at birth somehow, so maybe, just maybe there was 3 of us involved ..LOL:):)

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