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Re: Miracles

Seg, Ill just say what everyone else is probably thinking.What are you trying to get at exactly?Im not gonna say a bad word about muslims, I dont understand their religion and have no urge to try.

But your leaving really vauge posts, in a hunting forum of all places, about something that right at the moment could get a lotta people bent outta shape, Im not refering to Islam either, religion in generals a touchy subject.So if you got something to say, please just spit it out and quit leaving these posts that mean nothing to anyone but you.If you wanna talk about Islam say whats on your mind, Im sure someone in here might even be happy to argue with you about it.If your just gonna leave posts that are only taking up space and noody can reply to because we dont know what your point is Im afraid theyll probably just get deleted or at least buried in back somehwere.

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Re: Miracles

2 Corinthians 11:14

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

Galations 1:8

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Luke 12: 8,9

Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God.

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Re: Miracles

Well for those of you that know me, I think of Islam and that Koran thing the same way I think of our little tent city over their in the middle east grin.gif. When I do my business in the toilet everyday, I look down in the toilet bowl and as I flush, I picture a whole bunch of this Middle East crap....going down there too.

I understand if this gets edited but I couldn't resist the URGE smirk.gif


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Re: Miracles


Well for those of you that know me, I think of Islam and that Koran thing the same way I think of our little tent city over their in the middle east grin.gif. When I do my business in the toilet everyday, I look down in the toilet bowl and as I flush, I picture a whole bunch of this Middle East crap....going down there too.

I understand if this gets edited but I couldn't resist the URGE smirk.gifsmirk.gif


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You got me good didn't you Buckee.... grin.gif


Hey if people wouldn't give me ammo, I wouldn't shoot off grin.gif

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Re: Miracles


2. For women, it is a big and welcome change from the "in your face" sexuality of western culture. Women are not required by the Qur'an to veil. They are required to dress modestly and it is *recommended* that they cover their hair. However, most do veil and some go farther with niquab (the face screen) or other traditional clothes. Women dressed like this consider themselves marked as religious women, not easy dates. They don't get hit on. No one gawks at their bodies. They are clearly off limits sexually and many that I personally know say it is liberating not to have to conform to western standards of sexy dress, makeup and spending so much time and money on appearance. You buy a five-dollar hijab, put your hair in a ponytail and cover, wear long skirt and a tunic shirt -you're set.

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This is what I find to be the most demeaning part of the Islamic religion. It restricts women and their freedoms. Women are treated as second rate citizens. It seems they are only allowed to live because they are necessary for procreation.

Do you really think that by wearing a long skirt and something over your head, men aren't going to look? If someone finds you attractive, they aren't going to care what you are wearing. And since when should I even care what another man thinks when he looks at me? Or is it my "fault" that they look because I chose to wear a short skirt? I think NOT!!!

I am proud of the body God has blessed me with and don't feel I need to cover it with sack like clothing. If a man hits on me, I can easily say no and most times it ends right there. I also think it is safe to say that women are free to dress any way they feel comfortable, so there is no pressing social need to conform to what you call "western standards".

I have lots of camo that I can't wait to wear, is it stylish by hollywood's standards? No, but my fiance thinks it looks pretty hot! LOL Guess it doesn't matter what you wear, someone somewhere is going to find it very attractive and suggestive.


Islam is a religious lifestyle, not just a quick Sunday morning church visit and a label. Although some Christians do pray before each meal and spend much time with their Bible, etc.many don't in the USA. Islam is something that can't be shunted into a few spare hours. You pray five times a day. Your dress code is affected; even your food choices are explained in the Qur'an. Many converts like it because they feel actively involved and as if they are truly religious.

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If someone needs lots of required prayers, told what to eat, and what to wear, then they aren't looking for a religion, they are looking for someone to control their life. A search to feel "truly religious" seems more like a power thing. I would much rather feel truly spiritual! And that is something you find within yourself, not something that is only had after you change your clothes, food, and pray 5 times a day. I know many Christians who spend their day in constant walking prayer with God. You wouldn't know it by looking at them, they don't feel the need to show the world how religious they are, they do it for their own personal connection with God. So don't go judging the things that can't be seen. You will never know what is in the hearts of the people that surround you.

I really question your original post claiming your aren't religious. Are you trying to decide if you should convert, or are you trying to get others here to convert to Islam (which I would be willing to bet won't happen)?

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Re: Miracles

Seg, just for fun can you tell me what the Qur'an has to say about some other little things.Drving cars into crowded places and blowing them and yourself up for instance.Or highjacking airplanes and flying them into public buildings.How about kidnapping and beheading people of different faiths?Holy wars, I guesse they call em.

Now I know not all Islamic people do this and dont condone it.But theres a lot of them that seem to.


Many converts like it because they feel actively involved and as if they are truly religious.

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Religion can be taken to far.You talk about the good points of this religion but there seems to be a lotta people also brainwashed by it and willing to committ terrible atrocities in the name of it.And it isnt hard to do when a religion takes over every aspect of your life like you said this one does.look at all the cults in the United states, they believe so strongly in what theyre told is right every day they follow thier leaders right into mass suicides.

No religion is perfect, and you cant tell me this one is.Matter of fact this one seems to be one of the easiest ones to be taken to extremes.I still aint sure what your point here is but I do know 99% of the terrorist activity in the world is caused by the same religous group you think so highly of.That in itself tells me theres something wrong with the whole thing.

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Re: Miracles


This is what I find to be the most demeaning part of the Islamic religion. It restricts women and their freedoms. Women are treated as second rate citizens. It seems they are only allowed to live because they are necessary for procreation.

Do you really think that by wearing a long skirt and something over your head, men aren't going to look? If someone finds you attractive, they aren't going to care what you are wearing. And since when should I even care what another man thinks when he looks at me? Or is it my "fault" that they look because I chose to wear a short skirt? I think NOT!!!

I am proud of the body God has blessed me with and don't feel I need to cover it with sack like clothing. If a man hits on me, I can easily say no and most times it ends right there. I also think it is safe to say that women are free to dress any way they feel comfortable, so there is no pressing social need to conform to what you call "western standards".

I have lots of camo that I can't wait to wear, is it stylish by hollywood's standards? No, but my fiance thinks it looks pretty hot! LOL Guess it doesn't matter what you wear, someone somewhere is going to find it very attractive and suggestive.

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I understand where you're coming from HuntinginMaine, which, I guess I have missed the boat somewhere cause this is the first time I have realized you were a woman. Unfortunately, the religion has gotten to far into the whole second class citizen ways, but, if you look deep into other religions and cultures, women are treated the same way. Christianity says that women should be silent, not speak out in church, dress modestly, be subserviant, the fact that most Christian denominations don't follow this practice is a question for another time. Even in the birth of this great nation, women were looked at as second class citizens, 100 years ago you wouldn't be allowed to vote in the upcoming Presidential election.

As far as being comfortable with your body or what you wear, do you not feel it demeanig to be gawked at, I know obviously some women do not as evidenced by some of their professions. What I can't stand , is the woman who dresses scantily around town and then complains about being stared at, when the whole purpose of dressing the way they do is to get looked at, there are plenty at my school where I work and go to class, and it's tough not to look because of my job there, but the line had to be drawn for everyone, do you look and admire, or do you look and catcall, I think that is what is most demeaning to women, not so much the looks, cause lets face it, a girl knows if she is hot or not, but when she is subjected to taunts and innuendos is when it goes too far. There are some that would say she deserves it because of the way she dresses, but I don't feel that way. Just because she dresses half nude, doesn't mean she is a skank, although the chances are likely to go higher in that respect, it doesn't necessarily mean that. I wold much rather everyone focus on what good points someone has rather than making a judgement on them based on their looks, politics, intelligence or religion.

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Re: Miracles


Let me ask you a couple of other questions.

Who will you be voting for president?

If you are not voting, then are you a US citizen?

Do you hunt with modern firearms or archery?

What species of deer do you hunt?

Why are you trying to spread Islam on this site?

Do you support US involvement in the Arab nations?

Why did you not fill all of your profile out?

Answer a few of these questions and some here might be more receptive you your post.


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Re: Miracles

Why do I get the feeling that the original poster is just copying and pasting generic responses to typical criticisms of Islam and is in some strange way, seeking e-converts?

The original post is pretty interesting, but with any internet search, you can find countless scientific facts in the Bible, which weren't confirmed for centuries later.

I really don't have a problem with people practicing Islam--it's their right. My problem with Islam is the deafening silence from their leaders in regards to terrorism and dictatorships. At best, Muslim leaders turn a blind eye to both--at worst, they actively participate in such things. In any religion, I don't see that as Godly,

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Re: Miracles


As far as being comfortable with your body or what you wear, do you not feel it demeanig to be gawked at, I know obviously some women do not as evidenced by some of their professions. What I can't stand , is the woman who dresses scantily around town and then complains about being stared at, when the whole purpose of dressing the way they do is to get looked at, there are plenty at my school where I work and go to class, and it's tough not to look because of my job there, but the line had to be drawn for everyone, do you look and admire, or do you look and catcall, I think that is what is most demeaning to women, not so much the looks, cause lets face it, a girl knows if she is hot or not, but when she is subjected to taunts and innuendos is when it goes too far. There are some that would say she deserves it because of the way she dresses, but I don't feel that way. Just because she dresses half nude, doesn't mean she is a skank, although the chances are likely to go higher in that respect, it doesn't necessarily mean that.

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I will only feeled demeaned if I allow myself to feel this way, I don't think it is something I can blame on another. I do agree that if I am wearing a super short skirt and belly shirt, then I really should expect to hear some cat calls and such. (Although I don't understand why guys feel it necessary to shout out these comments to women, has it ever gotten someone a date???)

I am finishing college and see on a daily basis women wearing very little even during the cold winter months. I am not speaking for all women, but it is safe to say that the majority of women who dress this way are looking for the attention that it gets them. Society at large praises young, slim, scantily dressed bodies and these women are looking for this praise. They just get upset when the guy whistling isn't the one they wanted to be doing the whistling. If it was Brad Pitt doing the cat calls and such, I am sure that most wouldn't get as indignent as some do.

You are right that dressing as a "skank" doesn't necessarily make you one, but it sure does give the impression that one is. No one ever "asks for it", I don't care what the situation is, but everyone should realize that certain types of dress do open you up to unwanted attention from men who are less then civil.


I wold much rather everyone focus on what good points someone has rather than making a judgement on them based on their looks, politics, intelligence or religion.

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Amen to that one!!! And I wish women would feel good about themselves for who they are instead of feeling as if they have to expose a lot of flesh to get any attention. Wouldn't that hot blonde in the mini skirt and high boots look just as hot in a little more clothing that leaves more to the imagination?

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