My African back up rifle...


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OTPG stands for Off the Porch Gang. There is an old saying over here, "If you cant run with the big dogs stay on the porch." The off the porch gang is a group of member that think you can NEVER have enough gun.

Others think that too much gun is overkill, youll never hear an OTPG member say that. They would happily kill a rabbit with a cannon.

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OTPG stands for Off the Porch Gang. There is an old saying over here, "If you cant run with the big dogs stay on the porch." The off the porch gang is a group of member that think you can NEVER have enough gun.

Others think that too much gun is overkill, youll never hear an OTPG member say that. They would happily kill a rabbit with a cannon.


ha ha ha ha

Ok thanks for the update.

Trust me when you get charged by a rabbit in Africa you need the biggest piece of lead that you can send down range accurately.... :clown::clown:

Africa is a tough country :cool2::cool2:

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OTPG stands for Off the Porch Gang. There is an old saying over here, "If you cant run with the big dogs stay on the porch." The off the porch gang is a group of member that think you can NEVER have enough gun.

Others think that too much gun is overkill, youll never hear an OTPG member say that.

Pretty much it in a nutshell. Yep.

They would happily kill a rabbit with a cannon.

Not least yet. I have popped a couple groundhogs with the .375 Weatherby. But in africa, a .375 Roy is, no doubt, considered a "varmint gun". So that's what I use it for here.

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Nice! I'd want something like that if a cape buffalo was charging me! Pics are a little fuzzy of the cases, but is that what they call a rebated rim? I'm not nearly as up to par with most of you guys on the technical stuff.


well spotted the 500 Jeff is a rebated rim.

Makes for a bit of a challenge for the gun smith to get it to feed reliable but we are getting there.

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