Lost a Trusted Friend and Companion This Week


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Our 7 1/2 year old Boxer, who was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and arrhythmia almost 3 years ago passed away this week. About a month ago she started having complications and stopped eating. I think she had had enough, and knew it was time. If there is anything good about it, is that she passed away peacefully in her sleep in the bed with me and my wife. It doesn't make it any easier but I'm glad she didn't suffer and that we didn't have to make the decision to put her down. We've been down that road before and I was dreading that. Anyway, she was a part of our family and just wanted to share the news, and a picture of our sweet "Layla".


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Guest outdoorgirl

Sorry for your loss....I know how you feel to lose a good dog and friend....But knowing she was going down hill and she is at rest now is a little bit comforting,,,,but still it's hard to accept.

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I know the feeling all to well. My dad had my grandpa come pick up my old yellow lab Belle and take her to the vet to be put down. My dad just couldnt take her. Had her for almost 12 years and she retrieved my very first duck and her last one which happened to be the only one i have shot this season. Those memories are ones ill never ever forget

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Prayers sent, from one boxer owner to another, they are an awesome breed of dog and will love you regardless of how bad your day is.

Sorry on your loss. Been there myself with one of our boxers who we lost to cancer. Sadly we got another one with cancer but he is on medication.

Again, sorry on your loss Mark, she is running in heaven and out of pain.

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