Jake's first Duck!


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That's right - Duck! 1/2 doe, 1/2 buck, it's a Duck! :D

This is my son Jake's first buck. :cool: Jake and I went out this morning to enjoy the snow covered woods during Ohio's extended gun season weekend. At 8:15am, we heard a few deer trotting through the woods, coming through some very thick stuff. He got his Remington 870 20 gauge ready, and we spotted the deer at about 90 yards, moving towards us. There were 5 total, one buck and the rest were does and yearlings. The half rack buck was pushing one of the smaller does, she was obviously in late season estrous. They ended up right in front of our buddy stand. At 40 yards, the buck stood broadside, but had a small tree covering his vitals. Jake waited for a clear shot, the buck inched forward and BOOM! The buck mule-kicked immediately and ran right at us. He got tangled in the dead fall almost at the base of our stand, turned around and ran 20 yards and fell to the ground. :yes: Several big time hugs and high fives, our joyful laughter filled the woods. What a great feeling to watch your son take his first buck. I hope all you dads (or moms) out there get to experience the same feeling I had this morning. What a high.... :cool:

Here he is, Jake's first Duck!



Edited by Ohiobucks
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