Yep, its him...... late season success


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Very nice buck, especially for one that's supposedly already been killed,lol

Great job.:)

LOL. Yep, got me really wondering about the big 8 pointer that got killed just behind us, going to have to talk to my neighbor who butchered that deer again and ask him some more questions. That was back in November near the end of the ml'er season, was supposedly 200+ lbs, the one I killed was 140 lbs field dressed according to the scale on our gambrel, which probably is weighing a little on the light side. Think the deer was just a little heavier, he was pretty rundown though.

No doubt when we started getting pics of this deer again a few weeks after hearing he had been killed my spirits lifted a bit.:)

That's a good buck for sure! 19 inches inside is honestly quite wide.

Glad you got him. You did good!

I have seen maybe 2 bucks that were wider in all my time hunting here. I honestly did not know this deer was quite this wide until I physically saw him last Wednesday when I had him coming in during our late archery and even then thought maybe 18 inside.

Way to stick with it! That's what I like to do, find the buck I want and then hunt him exclusively. There's no greater challenge than trying to find a single deer in the woods.

We had a few nice bucks around this year, there were a couple others that might have tripped my trigger had I seen them, but this was the one I really had my sights on. Pretty sure he was the dominant buck in this area. Still 2 weeks left to go here, maybe we can get Christina or my wife back on that 8 pointer that the wife shot with the ml'er, he is still alive or at least was as of the day after I killed my deer.

Thanks again everyone. Makes it worth going without killing a deer the previous year, nice for the patience and time on stand to pay off.

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