Fall plot progress....


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Here are a few pics of Hamann Farms new winter mix--a total brassica mix containing sugar beets, rape, forage brassica, and purple-top turnips.

I planted this plot on the last weekend in August and the plot has only had 3/4 of an inch of rain since planting---I can't believe it has done so well with so little rain. Fortunately right now it is pouring and we are expected to get a minimum of 2 inches with this current front.

Here is a close up:


Another--the brassica mix is on the left, what is left of the soybeans in the middle and the Hamann Farms fall blend that I planted last year on the right.:


The acorn crop is huge right now which is giving the plots a chance to grow and provide some great winter forage.


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Re: Fall plot progress....

Todd thanks for the pics and info... im going to try a few food plots next year ....

you mean the stuff you planted last year came up again ? i thought that food plots were a yearly plant kind of thing ?

also is this a no plow or do you need to plow it up before you plant ?

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Re: Fall plot progress....

Tony--you might ask Oneida man about whether or not you can no-plow this seed.

The plot that I planted last year is a perennial/annual mix contained clover, trefoil, chicory as the perennials and brassicas and rye as the annual--it is Oneida mans fall deer blend.

I am hoping to get at least 3 years out of this one planting. With proper fertilization and mowing.


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Re: Fall plot progress....

Nice plots dogdoc. The one I reseeded Wednesday night is already sprouting thanks to the rain. It'll be perfect here in the next month or so for muzzleloader and rifle. We needed the rain all over Oklahoma. Guess we should be happy. What steps did you take with your plot? Did you do a soil ph test or just add lime and fertilizer? I'm wanting to make my plots better next year. Is there a website for the seed mix you're talking about? Thanks, Greg

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Re: Fall plot progress....

gt---I actually did not do soil test for this spot--although I strongly recommend it. I have a pH meter---when I first started the plot the pH was 5.8. I have added enough lime to get it up to 6.4. I was wanting to add some more lime before discing and actually went to get it and the co-op was out so I went ahead and planted. I fertilized with 200# of triple 13 and then spiked it with 50# of 34-0-0 (per acre). The plot has done great considering the lack of rain we have had during the month of september.

I ordered my seed from www.hamannfarms.com

good luck this season


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Re: Fall plot progress....

Thanks for the info dogdoc. I'll see how my recently reseeded plot does. Its got some pennington farms rackmaker with 3 types of clover along with some biologic green patch plus. I'm sure its way overseeded since I used all 8#'s on maybe at the very most 1/4 acre, probably more like 1/8th. It was a rush job so I just picked up 50 #'s lime (thats all they had, I wanted 100), 2 bags fall fertilizer 18-3-15 It think plus the seed. I'm seriously thinking about buying a pH meter next year so I can get optimum results with whatever I plant. Thanks for the link to the seed site. By the way.....HOW 'BOUT THEM POKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greg

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Re: Fall plot progress....

Matt---i worked the soil using a 3-pt rototiller on the back of my Kubota. I then spread the seed using a seed/fertilizer spreader behind my ATV. I then lightly cover the seed using a homemade drag made out of chainlink fence. I then drive over the plot with the tractor to pack the seed and soil.


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