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I can honestly say I stumbled over this one. I was out scouting a new duck hole and stepped on something that flipped up and hit the back of my boot. I knew what it was before I looked down. A nice shed that barely got past all the squirrel. They did a number on it early on but it was under water due to a high river for a few months. This is good because the varmints would have eaten it completely if it was exposed but the darn thing smells terrible.

Anyone have any ideas how to get rid of the smell? I let it soak in bleach water over night but it started stinking as soon as it dried. Right now it is sitting on top of the roof so hopefully the sun will help get rid of the smell.


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It will take a while for smell to get out of the pores. I also have found that if you put some of the fresh sheds in a closed container they will start to stink. Airing out is the best for all antlers! You will just have to watch for sun fade now. If you have a porch that you can hang it under would be better. Tie a rope to antler then boards of ceiling of porch roof. That way it is out of the sun and the dang squirrels. As one of my T-shirts says "Save a Shed Shoot A Squirrel"!!

Edited by Stone Cold
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