Gentlemen! Start Your Engines. It's Dec 23rd


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For all you die-hard procrastinators like me, it's now December 23rd and we can start our christmas shopping. :yes:

Don't know why, but I've always been a procrastinator. I can even remember in school (and just remembering that far back is a real chore for me), I always waited 'till the night before a project was due or homework had to be done, to tackle it. At work, if there was a deadline, the deadline date was the date I figured was the time to start things up, well minus 24 hours or so.

Two of my kids got married with the past year and a half and I had to write speeches for their receptions. Speeches got written the day before, for one wedding, and the morning of for the other.

Seems I do my best work under pressure! That's why xmas shopping starts today! How many others do their shopping in the last couple days?

You guy shoppers who do their xmas shopping two or three months early are giving the rest of us a bad name! :angel2:


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I really haven't ever been much of a procrastinator in alot of things in life - HOWEVER, Christmas shopping has always been the one thing that i wait to do at the last minute, or even after Christmas...

So, YES Tbow, i am going bow hunting this afternoon, then its off to the mall...I kick myself every year when this happens...I'm so stupid!!!

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Back when I used to work in the local Mall, Christmas Eve was always the best day to work. Mostly guys in mall with arms full of bags. They got in, they got out. It was always busy but it made the day go by faster.

I got mine all done Monday night, early for me. I usually wait until today or tomorrow to get the wife done, but not this year.

Merry Christmas to all.

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