New bow (kinda)


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So, I just dropped a check in the mail to GWSmith for his Mathews FX (as seen in the Classifieds forum). I was looking for a new bow but didn't want to put out mathews money, so I looked at the G2 and a few others, but for far less than a bare G2, I picked up a decked out FX.

I shot one before but it was a while ago and liked everything but the price tag. So, I guess in buying a used Mathews I've joined the dark side reserves, or something. Maybe?

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Re: New bow (kinda)



Congrats on the new toy.....have fun

GW....did you ever think about having that buck scored by Scrubmasters? wink.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

I tried that Spikekiller...but they said it was too big...EXCEEDED THE ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM LIMIT or something to that effect.

Just finished packaging the bow for transport!!!

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Re: New bow (kinda)

There will always be another bow history to be written....just like there is always another sunset over a hill or another meadow's sunrise to experience.

my wife already tried to make me breakdown while i was packaging it up...she comes out to the kitchen and says goodbye to the bow and fakes crying and everything.....I almost lost it there man to be true blush.giftongue.gif Its all good though..its going to a friend and I have visitation rights grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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