Please help all advice appreciated!!


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hello i live in Northern Kentucky but have never found a nice place to duck hunt, i live in the northern most part of KY i live only about 20 minutes south of Cincinnati, Ohio. I love to dove hunt do alot of dove hunting and got a great spot but really want to get into duck hunting i got my dog started and training on waterfowl hunting so i just wondered if anyone could help me find a good place to hunt ducks around my area!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! thanks


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Well, the first thing i would do is figure out where the ducks/geese are and want to be, and then i'd start knocking on doors. If you can find a piece of property or farm that has a pond on it that is near a big body of water, thats a bonus. As for right now, a good idea is to go scout and see where the birds are roosting - they will normally roost there in numbers year after year as long as they are safe - retention ponds in neighbor hoods, large lakes, rivers etc. Once you figure this out, and you can see their patterns, all you have to do is get access to a field that is in or around thier traveling routes...hope this helps.


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