is the Hunters Friend!


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I see people asking about new bows because they want to get into bowhunting or get BACK into bowhunting. Well, the bow you choose (make,model,Top of the line,middle,or bottom) is entirely up to you! Just wanted to let anyone looking for a new bow or ESPECIALLY a whole setup, to check out! After countless hours bidding on Ebay only to fall asleep and be outbid at the last min. i decided to just buy one if i could find a good deal! I searched high and low until i found this site and thier deals could NOT be beat and beyond that the people are as nice as they can be no matter how many times you call to add things, change things, or just ask questions, and believe me these folks are BUSY. I got a PSE Bow Madness,Whisker Biscuit,Beaman carbon arrows(12),Broadheads(3),Extreme Bone Collector 1100 sight,Tru-Fire release,Sims stabilizer,Alpine Softloc 5 arrow quiver,maintenence kit,and Flambeau Hard case DELIVERED for 880$. The bare bow went for around 600$. 2010's are in and the deals on '09's are EVEN SWEETER NOW! So if you're looking now or ever, don't buy until you've at least looked; you won't be sorry! Hope this helps anyone swimming in the sea of outfitters and email retailers. Took me many hours to stumble upon them and glad i did. Happy Huntin'! Oh yeh, they build it there,tune it, paper test it, group test it, chronograph it, build your arrows to match your bow setup and send you all the info on your bow plus the paper from your bows test! It don't leave til it's right! Your top pin is pretty much on for 20 yds. and it's up to you from there, but that's awesome for a beginner!

Edited by Huckleberry1
forgot the last few bits of info.
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